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RE: Sandy Hook - Lenny Pozner vs Wolfgang Halbig trial

in #news7 years ago

Sandyhook was another big wakeup for me. Not that our government would do that- but that a whole town was in on it - as were the entire media- in on the game. So I said you mean That is Where We Are in America Today- We Are Already At That Point- that a whole town of people & every tv news channel & newspaper in america is in on this lie. It made me sick to come to the realization that That is Where Our Country was already at- not that our country was capable of it or might get there one day- when I am a decriped Old Lady with one foot in the grave- BUT THAT WE ARE AT THAT POINT NOW!

I spent hours day- for at least a month - if not longer going over the Evidence the ALT Investigators Reporters were putting out-

That one father laughing when he thought the cameras were not rolling, the CNN Aderson Coopper video with some "mother" were Anderson's nose kept disappearing- proving it was filmed not live on location- but in front of a green screen.

All the Research & arguments & logic & Evidence put out by Wolfgang was THOROUGH . All America Owes Wolfgang & men & women like him a LOT for his Hardwork, & Expose~