ICAI CA Intermediate Result: IPCC Result May 2018 Delayed, Check Updates Here

in #news7 years ago

ICAI CA Intermediate result or IPCC result 2018 of the Chartered Accountants Intermediate Examination held in May 2018 to be declared today on icaiexam.icai.org, caresults.icai.org and icai.nic.in.result_625x300_1530083930535.webp

ICAI Intermediate Result 2018: Theresults of the Chartered Accountants Intermediate Examination (Old Course and New Course) held in May 2018 were likely to be declared today around 6.00 P.M, however, when we checked last (at 6.53 P.M. on July 29), ICAI CA results have not been released yet. Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) had earlier announced that the All India merit list upto the 50th rank will also be made available on the websites: icaiexam.icai.org, caresults.icai.org and icai.nic.in. According to a statement from ICAI, arrangements have also been made for the students of Intermediate Examination (Old Course and New Course) desirous of having ICAI Intermediate results or IPCC result may 2018 on their e-mail addresses to register their requests at the website i.e. icaiexam.icai.org from 27th July 2018.

ICAI has recently released the result for CA Final, CA Foundation, and CPT examwhich was conducted in May/June 2018. It also released the the merit for CA Foundation and CA Final (Both Old and New course) then.

"All those registering their requests will be provided their results through e-mail on the e-mail addresses registered as above immediately after the declaration of the result," said a statement from ICAI.

ICAI CA Intermediate Result: How to check..👇
ICAI CA Intermediate Result: May Results @ Icaiexam.icai.org, Caresults.icai.org, Icai.nic.in computer-generic_625x300_1528696661865.jpg

The candidates may follow these modes to access their ICAI CA Intermediate result May 2018:


It may be noted that for accessing the ICAI CA Intermediate result at the above mentioned websites the candidate shall have to enter his registration no. or PIN no. along with his roll number


ICAI CA Intermediate Result: IPCC Result May 2018 Delayed, Check Updates Here
Education NDTV Education Team
ICAI CA Intermediate result or IPCC result 2018 of the Chartered Accountants Intermediate Examination held in May 2018 to be declared today on icaiexam.icai.org, caresults.icai.org and icai.nic.in.
Updated : July 29, 2018 19:27 IST
ICAI CA Intermediate Result 2018 Soon @ Icaiexam.icai.org, Caresults.icai.org, Icai.nic.in

ICAI Intermediate Result 2018: The results of the Chartered Accountants Intermediate Examination (Old Course and New Course) held in May 2018 were likely to be declared today around 6.00 P.M, however, when we checked last (at 6.53 P.M. on July 29), ICAI CA results have not been released yet. Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) had earlier announced that the All India merit list upto the 50th rank will also be made available on the websites: icaiexam.icai.org, caresults.icai.org and icai.nic.in. According to a statement from ICAI, arrangements have also been made for the students of Intermediate Examination (Old Course and New Course) desirous of having ICAI Intermediate results or IPCC result may 2018 on their e-mail addresses to register their requests at the website i.e. icaiexam.icai.org from 27th July 2018.
ICAI has recently released the result for CA Final, CA Foundation, and CPT exam which was conducted in May/June 2018. It also released the the merit for CA Foundation and CA Final (Both Old and New course) then.

"All those registering their requests will be provided their results through e-mail on the e-mail addresses registered as above immediately after the declaration of the result," said a statement from ICAI.

ICAI CA Intermediate Result: How to check
ICAI CA Intermediate Result: May Results @ Icaiexam.icai.org, Caresults.icai.org, Icai.nic.in

The candidates may follow these modes to access their ICAI CA Intermediate result May 2018:

It may be noted that for accessing the ICAI CA Intermediate result at the above mentioned websites the candidate shall have to enter his registration no. or PIN no. along with his roll number.


Further facilities have been made for candidates of ICAI Intermediate (Old Course and New Course) Examination held in May, 2018 desirous of knowing their results with marks on SMS. The service will be available through India Times.

For getting results through SMS candidates should type:

Intermediate(IPC) Examination (Old Course)

CAIPCOLD (space) XXXXXX (Where XXXXXX is the six digit Intermediate(IPC) Examination roll number of the candidate), e.g. CAIPCOLD 000128

Intermediate Examination (New Course)

ICAI CA Intermediate Result: IPCC Result May 2018 Delayed, Check Updates Here
Education NDTV Education Team
ICAI CA Intermediate result or IPCC result 2018 of the Chartered Accountants Intermediate Examination held in May 2018 to be declared today on icaiexam.icai.org, caresults.icai.org and icai.nic.in.
Updated : July 29, 2018 19:27 IST
ICAI CA Intermediate Result 2018 Soon @ Icaiexam.icai.org, Caresults.icai.org, Icai.nic.in

ICAI Intermediate Result 2018: The results of the Chartered Accountants Intermediate Examination (Old Course and New Course) held in May 2018 were likely to be declared today around 6.00 P.M, however, when we checked last (at 6.53 P.M. on July 29), ICAI CA results have not been released yet. Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) had earlier announced that the All India merit list upto the 50th rank will also be made available on the websites: icaiexam.icai.org, caresults.icai.org and icai.nic.in. According to a statement from ICAI, arrangements have also been made for the students of Intermediate Examination (Old Course and New Course) desirous of having ICAI Intermediate results or IPCC result may 2018 on their e-mail addresses to register their requests at the website i.e. icaiexam.icai.org from 27th July 2018.
ICAI has recently released the result for CA Final, CA Foundation, and CPT exam which was conducted in May/June 2018. It also released the the merit for CA Foundation and CA Final (Both Old and New course) then.

"All those registering their requests will be provided their results through e-mail on the e-mail addresses registered as above immediately after the declaration of the result," said a statement from ICAI.

ICAI CA Intermediate Result: How to check
ICAI CA Intermediate Result: May Results @ Icaiexam.icai.org, Caresults.icai.org, Icai.nic.in

The candidates may follow these modes to access their ICAI CA Intermediate result May 2018:

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It may be noted that for accessing the ICAI CA Intermediate result at the above mentioned websites the candidate shall have to enter his registration no. or PIN no. along with his roll number.


CAIPCNEW (space)XXXXXX (Where XXXXXX is the six digit Intermediate Examination roll number of the candidate) , e.g. CAIPCNEW 000128 and send the message to: 58888 - for all mobile services - India Times

Steps on how to register to get result on email

Students can register on http://icaiexam.icai.org to get ICAI CA Intermediate result on primary email id, by following below mentioned steps:

  1. Login on the ICAI Exam website i.e. http://icaiexam.icai.org, using your user id and password

  2. Click on link "email registration"

  3. We recommend that before applying for result on email request, you verify the email id in your login, if not verified

  4. For any further clarifications contact Help Line Telephone numbers from 0930 to 1730 hrs: 0120 3054 851, 852, 853, 854 and 835 0120 4953 751,752, 753 and 754.

Email Assistance:

The candidates who are searching for ICAI CA results may use these email ids for assistance:
Technical - [email protected] (only for technical resolution of online form)

Intermediate (IPC) - [email protected]

Final - [email protected]

CPT - [email protected]

Foundation - [email protected]