A New Rocket Test Hit the Flat Earth Dome - Debunk this if you cansteemCreated with Sketch.

in #news8 years ago

follow me and I'll follow you. Upvote if you like thanks. We are all ONE we are strong. PLEASE PLEASE resteem.

**Found this interesting. The evidence for the world being flat is mounting up. It wont be long before everybody believes in it.


Wow! Are you serious? Is the earth flat? I'd be interested to see more evidence that makes you believe this. Many thanks

Yes, my friend, It's a bit of a shock at first. Check out my posts much more evidence. Also keep an eye on my blogs, up to date evidence found every day.

how is this evidence? a couple of rockets that appear to have the velocity to escape Earth's gravity. Wait I 've heard Flat Earthers deny the concept of gravity. Solely due to science still not understanding it yet. I thought i was going to see a collision there is still movement of the rocket but nothing else in this short clip

I think there is so much cover up and lies in the reporting of space phenomena that people are likely to believe pseudo science . Meaning Philosophical thought out weights measurable , testable hypotheses. Come on at the end you don't see fuel being spent any more do you? you don't hear fuel being spent anymore either, interesting.

interesting point!

If the earth if flat - what exactly is the benefit of trying to make out it is round instead?

Also a good question..

Very good point. Who made it? Why are we here? Why are we fighting each other? This information is valuable. Thanks for the reply.

I was just watching Eric Dubay and then all of a sudden i see this video posted haha

Very good video thanks for the info now go spread the word 'the world is flat' mind you be carful because people will think your mad.

I'm not rushing to conclusions but I just want to quote Aristotle; "It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it." For sure people will think you are mad when you start saying things like this because that is the human nature. You gotta always be careful with who you share information with.

Very very interesting point. But don't you think we should all know that we are not living on a spinning ball. But I take oyur point, the abuse I get back is shocking. But I have to spread the world I feel It's the right thing to do

Like I said, I am always open minded to ideas and objective arguments and I always seek the truth. But, we live in a corrupt world full of lies so the truth is not always easy to arrive to. However I am always ready to listen and to seek the truth and which is why I keep my mind open. But until I have not seen it with my own eyes so to speak and have not proven it with primary sources I cannot fully accept it. That goes both for flat earth and spinning ball earth :). I'll check out the link below...

Here here I agree. Let's get a boat to the edge! I proved it my self with a p600 camera very high zoom. Watch a boat go off in the distance until it goes over the supposedley curve bring out the p600 point it at the boat which has just disappeared over the curve and boosh there it is again. HOW IS THIS POSSIBLE?

you've increased your range of vision probably to be able to view the top portion of the boat if it truly is far but I bet the bottom portion is not in view.... hmm.

The earth is flat lmmfao... there's a dome over it lol... so how do you explain pictures from space? The changing of the seasons? Gravity? Not to mention how this dome got built without anyone noticing.. @bluntendo ... you are definitely mad... but entitled to your opinion

Isn't it interesting that these videos are being used as proof ?

Yet the Nasa photos are all fakes? They maybe covering up stuff but believing we never can go to space, or never truly have been there, wouldn't that be an awesome way to cause enough noise and confusion so what people need to know about space discoveries we may have been lie to about. Look through a telescope on observation night at your local college they usually have a public viewing night. See the planets for real see galaxies, I have had the privilege to visit a Solar Observatory it is pretty amazing to see sun spots and solar flares in real time. Science is a tool to observe this amazing universe we live in and use natural scientific laws to better the human condition. Our brains are built to recognize patterns, even if it is in our heads....I think I'm on to something. definition of science

the intellectual and practical activity encompassing the systematic study of the structure and behavior of the physical and natural world through observation and experiment:
"the world of science and technology"
branch of knowledge, body of knowledge/information, area of study, discipline, field
Powered by Oxford Dictionaries

IT's all bullshit. No space, no planets, moon and sun are flat of equal distance. Oxford Dictionaries full of shite.

Where is the line you draw in the sand between relying on science and taking it all for granted, the hours the years, the centuries of great minds observing and calculating, analyzing and honing out a greater understanding of our natural world. But you are saying you refute everything we've been taught. How does an eclipse occur with two light sources on the same level. When I was a high school student in chemistry we calculated the charge of an electron replicating the Milliken experiment. What kind of science are you using to prove a flat earth? None right? If you are please point it out. Replicated experiments, not indignant dogma. Reel it in a bit playa, there are conspiracies out there, some are just a diversion to keep us off the real thing.

While this is going on 300 animals die a second by our food industry, people in the world are starving to death while in america millions of tons of good food is tossed just for not looking perfect for the stores. This system is rigged, a sham to create scarcity and profiteers....I'd rather put that energy on the flat earth to frankenfoods.... Shit you can prove is affecting people. Honestly flat or round we are still here right?

That's a lot of questions. Please If you got time to look at this. But NASA full of shit its all CGI not one true photo of the earth ever done. No such thing as gravity only density. The seasons work the same on a flat earth model. You won't belie've me you have to search for yourself to believe this huge lie we all been told.

Nasa full of shite. The seasons work the same on a flat earth. NO gravity. THE WORLD IS FLAT LOOK INTO IT PLEASE

If the earth is flat where is the edge?

Brother the edge is the south pole. The south pole is a wall of ice that surrounds the outside. There for it doesn't matter what direction you go in your going to get to the south pole the edge. I hope this helps. THE WORLD IS FLAT.

As said by Aristotle, "It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it." In other words, @davedickeyyall I am not necessarily accepting this but it certainly did made me think outside the box and start questioning what thing is real.

To begin, the pictures in space could easily be Photoshop'ed so to speak. Not to mention that computer generated simulators are capable of creating wonderful videos and images. With the technology we are openly known to have thus far, a lot of things can be easily faked and optical illusions are the easiest.

Next, with the proper technology, the change of the seasons could also be synthetically created. Who are we to say how advanced technologies could get, just because we don't see it and don't understand it, it does not mean that there are not existing technologies out there that are capable of doing amazing things.

And I am not sure If we have to live in a round planet in order for gravity to exist. Maybe gravity can exist on a flat plain as well. Not to mention that it could very well be possible to simulate gravity with the proper technologies. We have no idea how far and what the limit is on technology. If there really are more advanced species out there and more advanced technologies that we are not aware of who is to say that all these things are not possible.

Again, I am not accepting this because it certainly is a wild idea but I don't have enough evidence to back either side. Therefore my opinion is neutral.

But you are accepting the fact that it could be done without anyone knowing