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RE: Hillary Has New Excuse On Why She Lost - Capitalism!

in #news6 years ago (edited)

If I would have been an American I would not have voted on Trump either. I'm not sure if it even makes sense to vote in such a system

All i was saying that Trump still is the lesser evil.

So don't be a dumbass you dumbass for calling me a dumbass.

Lets be friends and don't fight. United we stand right?
So don't divide us ,the people on your own side with hotheaded reactions like this.

I'm not ignoring Trump at all. I'm well aware that his boat is floating in the same swamp.

Can we now shake hands and be friends?


There is no lesser evil worth comparing when your options are a lying psychopath and a deluded narcissist. My reaction was mainly because you dare to say that Trump earned anything fairly. He has been bankrupt multiple times for failed pyramid schemes. He's the poster child for Lifestyles Of The Rich And Famous for the sake of plutocracy itself. The shit-for-brains media telling you he's successful and wealthy are blatantly lying to you. They don't know what he has because he just lies and pretends that he owns a lot without giving them the evidence to verify it. Rather than admit that they don't know what they don't know, or worse, allow their wealthy star to admit that trust fund babies can fail at life, they back him up with publicity to what amounts to charity for the sake of the fortune myth.

Right now he's behaving like a criminal in every way and the media doesn't really call him out on it because if they did, they would be revealing the same bullshit that they were happy with Hillary getting away with.

Let me put it this way, you know that jelly bean counting thing that suggests democracy is a great means of making predictions? You take the average of everyone's guess and you get an answer that is astoundingly close to the real number of jelly beans in a jar? I think that's what happened in 2016. The vast majority answered the question of "Hillary or Trump?" with the correct answer: "fuck that. I'm out." 2/3 of the country didn't vote. A slight gain was given to Hillary probably because there is some hope that even a stupid psychopath can be convinced to stop destroying society with the right reasoned argument that they will listen to. Trump can't be reasoned with because he's a fucking moron who places his ego as his highest priority. If you don't see that, you are naive.

Sure, we can be friends, but if you are going to try holding hands with such toxic pieces of shit then please understand if I avoid your company when you're being a sucker. I don't want to be dragged into the scam you're falling for.

And where did I say that Trump earned anything fairly????

You appear to be far more toxic then me there.

I only say Trump is less evil.


From the looks of it it is just as hard to reason with you then with Trump.