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RE: Cambridge Analytica: The Backstory

in #news7 years ago

You indeed made the point more clear then I did.

Good to see that you jumped trough all the hoops to get away from it as good as you can.

And yes, it is all those people who are trapped in the net who still have every detail of their lives sitting in FB's cold storage.

Google is indeed a bigger issue. I bet they are now scrambling to get their shit together to try and get away with it.

Personal data should be on a personal offline storage in the basement or attic. And if anyone needs access to that data then they should as the owner for specific permission to access it.

The activity tracking that you wrote about. THAT sounds bad.
When bad guys get access to that, then you get all kinds of bullshit.
And the ones who should be protecting us, they are behaving bad enough already to demand for NOT having anything remotely like that in ANY type of hardware.

Thanks for including this information!