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RE: Innocent Mom Jailed for 5 Months As Cops Mistake Vitamins for Opioids

in #news7 years ago

I'm of the belief that these kits are designed to give these false positives. I don't have any direct evidence but, red light cameras & the shortening of the yellow light in the cycle in order to issue more tickets which then generates revenue provides some circumstantial evidence. They have a giant prison industrial complex to sustain. Lot's of jobs on the line here. It's going to take a lot of arrests to keep 'em all fed. Snatching up the innocent is just a part in the cost of doing business. The drug war is crazy & it must end. The drug war is a crime against humanity.


Does this resonate at all with your church?

I'm only interested in the TRUTH. I care not who it does or doesn't resonate with. It seems as though the church, as a whole, is starved for TRUTH. The famine of Amos 8:11 is on my friend.

I care who it resonates with. Christianity is NOT a theology for "lone wolf" men. And yes, the "church as a whole" is a complete mess... at least here in prideful America. But I was asking if you are part of a church which features men equally interested in His Truth. ...and perhaps featuring a pastor who leads in that direction.

Mainstream religion is a very corrupt thing as I believe all of us here recognize, but I do not believe that says something bad about christianity itself. I am personally not a christian, I am a very woo-woo "explorative agnostic" as I like to say.

However, I do believe there are many good christians out there who are on our side. In my book with derrick "Reflections on Anarchy and Spirituality" we talked about the history of anarchism and christianity. For example, discussed how groups like quakers refused to go along with slavery, and refuse to call people by names of status "your honor, your majesty etc"

There are many people who came to anarchism through christianity, because they realized that was the true message of jesus

Where in the NT does anyone report on Jesus ever violating, or advocating the violation of NAP? I truly laugh at these evanJellyfish who pound the pavement for Prohibitions! In reality, the only argument amongst Christians is: Crusader, Amish or Puritan?; pick one. Whereas even the Crusader types go in with a Bible but are willing to fight to the death to preserve a Right to promote His Church. Admittedly, they walk the tight rope when it comes to Trespass! The Puritans rather "fortress" and not worry so much about propagating. The Amish? Well, they speak for themselves (as do the Quakers and Mennonites).