The New World Order and the History Involved. This is NOT a Conspiracy it's Factual

in #news7 years ago (edited)

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I hadn't heard mention of the "New World Order," until the late 1980's, When President George Bush Sr. said it in a live televised speech. I later learned that he made four speeches where he focused on a "New World Order." Since that time, we've heard mention of a "New World Order," from both Bush Jr. and Barak Obama.

When I heard the speech, and the words, "New World Order," I knew that there was something terribly wrong, and I believed, even then that what he was saying was tied to the antichrist world system. In one of the speeches that Bush Sr. gave, he said,

"That new world is struggling to be born. A world quite different from the one we've known. A world where the rule of law supplants the rule of agenda, a world in which nations recognize a shared responsibility for freedom and justice. A world where the strong respect the rights of the weak. We have before us the opportunity to forge for ourselves and for future generations, a new world order, a world where the rule of law, not the law of the jungle, governs the conduct of nations."

As much as we like to brush off conspiracy theories, the idea of there being a new world order is not a conspiracy at all, but a goal on a global level. I recently started looking into facts about this planned, "new world order," and, although the wording, quoted above from one of those speeches sound good, I've found that the history behind this plan has been a dark and sinister one.

For anyone interested in hearing the four different speeches given by Bush Sr. here is a video compiled by cosmic cosmo
Video Link

To my surprise, Bush Sr. wasn't the first to talk about the planned new world order, but talk of this, as far as I have discovered up to this point, even involved the Nazi era of Germany.

In 1961 President Eisenhower warned of it.

Matheis Video Link

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In fact, each political person (pictured) spoke out and warned about a secret "hidden," government that does not have the best interest of the American people, or any people of any nations, best interest at heart.

Before the death of Franklyn D. Rosevelt, he gave a "tell all," speech about the plans of this "secret, or shadow government," including to ties to Adolf Hitler in his 44 minutes speech. Because of the length of the video, I will leave it to anyone reading this to decide if they'd like to watch the video with a link here: Link to Video of Rosevelt Speech, shared on VISUAL'S Channel.

I'll cover some key points of the 1945 speech.

"Hitler often protested that his plans for conquest do not extend to across the Atlantic ocean. His submarines and raiders prove otherwise, and so does the entire design of his new world order." "For example, I have in my possession a secret map made in Germany by Hitler's government --by the planners of the New World Order."

Even before this time, the earliest mentions of a "New World Order," have been tracked to book titles published, in 1917, 1920, and 1940.

"One of the earliest standalone uses of the phrase "New World Order" was the title of the 1920 book The New World Order by Frederick C. Hicks,[1] but is usually misattributed to H.G. Wells' 1940 book of the same name. The phrase had previously been used by Nicholas Murray Butler in his 1917 book A World in Ferment.[2] "New World Order" was also used in a ‘1940 essay by occultist writer Alice Bailey’ which was included in her posthumously published 1957 compilation The Externalisation of the Hierarchy."

This is a screenshot of the actual contents from the 1917 book by Nicholas Murray Butler.

books nwo screenshot.png

Image Credit and Link

Notice that the things Mr. Butler wrote are shockingly similar to the things that Bush Sr. said in his New World Order speeches. However, in the book description, the outcome was a nightmare.

There is actually so much involved within this entire "new world order," system, including money, secret societies, and occultism. It's amazing that with so much evidence right out in front of us that it all goes unnoticed on a large scale.

I'm going to continue a series about the plan for a "New World Order," with a series of articles as I research the different levels involved.


All videos are accredited within the article itself.


Great post

This wonderful post has received a bellyrub 1.08 % upvote from @bellyrub thanks to this cool cat: @livingwaters. My pops @zeartul is one of your top steemit witness, if you like my bellyrubs please go vote for him, if you love what he is doing vote for this comment as well.

Good post. Even though, I think most people already know that. Except those who only watch TV and listen to commercial radio stations.... But I doubt, those people will read articles on steemit :P Too bad...

Wow. What a way to connect the dots.
It looks like soon there will also be a new world order with the leading central banks of the world as posted by this Steemian:

Thanks for an informative post, as you say:

There is actually so much involved within this entire "new world order," system, including money, secret societies, and occultism. It's amazing that with so much evidence right out in front of us, and it all goes unnoticed on a large scale.

It is so sad that many of the masses bury their heads in the sand. True change cannot happen until they WAKE UP

100% upvote from me and a resteem to help the awakening!!

Yes bettyaf this has been in the works for a very long time. With the advent of the internet more people have become aware than ever before. Let's just hope that it will never become a reality. Thanks for your post. 🐓🐓

Truth is stranger than fiction and there is nothing fictional about the NWO. I wrote about this in an article some years ago on my blog about the "Club of Rome". This is a very sinister self serving bunch of authoritarians mostly made up of very wealthy bank families.

They have nothing good for the world, only domination through global financial control.

Hi @libertyranger, I've never taken the time to look into all of this until now. I've recognized that it's been happening, but I only recently started looking at it from a historical perspective.

I'm seeing that it's very sinister as well, regardless of the words they use when they talk of this "one world government." Most of what we see happening in the world right now is tied directly to the "plan.' It's shocking, and quite scary when comparing it to WWW2 and the propaganda used during that time that led to the loss of so many lives. It's downright unsettling. Especially considering the current political turmoil in the U.S, and around the world.

Thank you for your comment and the link to your blog. I'm reading it now.

Glad to bounce ideas and articles around. I love research like this. Nothing like a good cup of coffee and a raging NWO article to get the blood moving.

Very sinister and suspicious would be the best compliment you could give to the NWO. In recent times, the United States of America have been sold into slavery 3 times. With the signing by Obama of the U.N. backed NWO and the visit of the Pope to Congress, also before Obama left office, the United States of America has been given back to not only England because of the bankruptcy, but also given back to the Vatican. As one said who commented on this post, this is not merely conspiracy theory, this is fact. Part of the challenge with society is that we have been good little girls and boys and gone through our life's conditioning to be completely apathetic to what happens to us, and what is happening to us at this point in time. We as a society are so entrenched in fraudulent contracts, it blinds us to the truth, and our apathy will not let us search out the truth because we are so distracted. I am a product of that philosophy, however, I am seeking remedy in the form of research to find my way out of all these fraudulent contracts. I absolutely love the idea of smart contracts as they will do exactly what they are supposed to do, being executed the way they should have been executed all along. Great post. I am following you, have upvoted the post and resteemed. Stay Strong, Press On and Charge the Hill! Passionate about your Dreams,


unbelievable, that's absolutely nice writing @bettyaf there is many lessons here :)

Thank you @oyahadi, it's fascinating to research, and there's so much involved. Thank you for your kind comment.

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