Anti-Corruption Meeting just now in Russia
People go to streets for protest corruption in Russia. In the center of Tverskaya is now hot.
He Is Not Dimon to You
Best Regards
People go to streets for protest corruption in Russia. In the center of Tverskaya is now hot.
He Is Not Dimon to You
Very important to share this, mass media probably will not...
agree, upvoted.
Yes, i'm agree with you. Its unaccepble
Very important post! People should know! Upvoted, resteemed, following.
I believe this is happening all over Russia! Not just in Moscow! I also know that 'Open Russia' and 'Open Economy' deliver all the important news about the current situation in Russia. You can check those out on FB / Twitter / Telegram, if you like...
It's a National Day in Russia. These are not protests everywhere.
Everywhere in Russia, no?
Yes its National Day, but people stay for Anti Corruptions Protests

Now in Volgograd

In Magnitogorsk

Thank you very much for sharing your images, people have to know what happens in the rest of the world and among all to wake up and fight for our rights as citizens of the world.
In Spain 835 charged with corruption in a single political party ... The "Partido Popular" is considered a criminal organization (ruled by a judge) but it is in government and it is who decides our future .... But here nothing happens, they continue to rule the same people and the country has more and more economic crisis ... Many people in Spain are asleep, we need to wake up there are still remains of 40 years of dictatorship and that is shown day by day .... We live in a parliamentary monarchy where the sister and the brother-in-law of the present king have been charged with laundering money, but nothing happens with them, now they live in Switzerland and we the Spanish cityzens pay them a salary with our taxes.
We live in a country where the actual emeritus king was traveling to Botswana to hunt elephants (!!!!!!!!!!!) with our taxes of course ..... It's embarrassing and unacceptable.