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RE: Lost 25 year old Radiology student survives on wild berries and mushrooms for a month in the woods

in #news7 years ago

I notice she didn't have here shoes on her anymore, people familiar with David Paulides "missing 411" investigation know that is a tell tale sign there could be more to it then just someone who got lost and wandered around.

But that all depends on what she has to say and if she remembers what she did and where she was those 28 days. To me it sounds a bit unlikely then when you enter a forest and you get lost you manage to stay lost for 28 days.


you are definitely saying something...

I suppose you could also say the berries she ate relates to Missing411 mystery. It sure is an intriguing phenomenon that David Paulides discovered. I read several of his books and saw the movie. This woman who got lost was smart and "bad" mushroom would have been it.