Zionist Israel Attacked Journalist and Media, Wants to Cover Up His Cruelty Against
The Spirit of Aqsa - Ramallah | Dozens of Palestinian and international leaders held a peaceful protest caused by Zionist Israel at the Qalandiya checkpoint north of al-Quds in the central West Bank, on Saturday (17/11).
The action was returned with tear gas shots until the reporters suffered shortness of breath, including the Head of the Syndicate of Palestinian Journalists, Nasser Abu Bakar, falling directly with an eye air bomb on his shoulder.
As reported on the Ma'an News page, member of the general secretariat of the journalist syndicate, Manal Khamis, also suffered from shortness of breath of air eye gas, he was finally rushed to the hospital to undergo treatment, while the cameraman from Ma'an TV, Muhammad Hanaysheh, bombs with bombs tears on the thighs.
Journalists sue the Zionist Israel so that those who commit crimes against responsibility.
He added that international journalists visited Palestine, including members of International Journalists and Arab Journalists and also took part in protests to support Palestinian writers who practiced crimes committed against Palestinian journalists.
Abu Bakr pointed out that 7,000 violations and attacks on Palestinians, this included the killing of two Palestinians in the occupied Gaza Strip, namely Ahmad Abu Hussein and Yasser Murtaja while carrying out the task of journalism by wearing uniforms proclaiming international.
Ingin Menutupi Kedzalimannya Terhadap Media, Puluhan Wartawan Diserang Zionis Israel
Spirit of Aqsa - Ramallah | Puluhan wartawan Palestina dan internasional melakukan aksi damai terkait kekerasan yang kerap terjadi oleh Zionis Israel di pos pemeriksaan Qalandiya di utara al-Quds di Tepi Barat yang terjajah pusat, pada Sabtu sore (17/11).
Aksi tersbut pun dibalas dengan tembakan gas air mata hingga para wartawan menderita sesak napas, termasuk Kepala Sindikasi Jurnalis Palestina, Nasser Abu Bakar, terluka secara langsung dengan bom air mata di bahu.
Seperti dilansir pada laman Ma'an News, anggota sekretariat umum sindikat jurnalis, Manal Khamis, juga menderita sesak napas gas air mata, ia akhirnya dilarikan ke rumah sakit untuk menjalani perawatan, sementara kameramen dari Ma'an TV, Muhammad Hanaysheh, terluka dengan bom air mata di paha.
Para Wartawan menuntut Zionis Israel agar mereka yang melakukan kejahatan terhadap wartawan harus bertanggung jawab.
Dia menambahkan bahwa wartawan internasional mengunjungi Palestina, termasuk anggota Federasi Jurnalis Internasional dan Federasi Jurnalis Arab juga mengambil bagian dalam protes untuk mendukung wartawan Palestina yang memprotes kejahatan yang dilakukan terhadap jurnalis Palestina.
Abu Bakar menunjukkan bahwa 7.000 pelanggaran dan serangan terhadap orang Palestina dicatat sejak awal tahun ini, termasuk terbunuhnya dua wartawan Palestina di Jalur Gaza yang terjajah yaitu Ahmad Abu Hussein dan Yasser Murtaja saat menjalankan tugas jurnalisme dengan mengenakan seragam wartawan yang diakui internasional.

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