Gun Violence: a Human or Gun Control Problem????? What do you think
Gun Violence: a Human or Gun Control Problem?
What do you think???
As you read this please bare in mind this is an editorial view of my own. This is in no way the view of all people and may not be your view on such a controversial topic such as guns, gun violence, and gun control. We are all entitled to believe and feel how we do in our own right. With that being said, the real question I keep asking myself is: Gun Violence a Human Problem or Gun Control Problem?

We live in a time where violence occurs everywhere, around the corner, down the block, in our own homes, in our neighbors homes, in church's, public gatherings like concerts and events. Violence is everywhere, consuming our lives while fear cripples us into believing that our schools are no longer safe, a walk around the park could be deadly, and a concert provides zero protection. Schools now regularly perform safety checks, run drills to prepare students as best as they can be, and many lock their doors at the start of the day. We all live in some form of fear and the fear becomes a reality when our children come home saying “Mommy, my shoes are not safe a shooter could find me, the shoes light up!”
Yes! It is true, there is more violence now than ever before. We sit with our phones glued to us during school hours dreading the district wide notice “Our schools are on lock down!”. We dread going out in public because of the tragic events that have occurred in the past. Please understand, I mean not to diminish the situation of past shootings but, shed light on one factor that many do not speak of yet, blame. When I think of how violence and violent or hate crimes have climbed over the past years, I am brought to another question... Why are these crimes climbing and what will we do to stop it?
Many adamantly fight saying “GUN CONTROL”, stop selling guns, stop allowing people to own guns, amend the 2nd Amendment and make it to where these crimes can never happen. For some people it is ignorance of a weapon and how to use it and for others it is fear of what will happen if guns are allowed in homes. But let me stop right here and ask YOU this.... How is the GUN the problem?
The Second Amendment Ratified in December 1791 provides U.S. Citizens the right to bear arms. The amendment says: “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.”
This amendment has fueled a long-running debate over gun control legislation and the rights of individual citizens to buy, own and carry a firearm. The people believe that stopping citizens of buying, owning or carrying a firearm will prevent further crimes.
But, in truth, this brings us to some food for thought: Did making drugs ILLEGAL of use, sell or growth STOP the drug problem in American? No! People still grow, cook, sell and use drugs around the world. In fact, we now are saying that legalized marijuana is GOOD. Since when is any DRUG GOOD?
Advocates for gun control strongly preach against gun ownership or sell of any weapon. Which is where my final point will come in. Stopping the sell of guns will NOT stop violence. A gun, unloaded, on safety will NOT cause harm. I will reiterate that point A GUN, UNLOADED, ON SAFETY WILL NOT CAUSE HARM.
The answer to my original question: Gun Violence: a Human Problem or Gun Control Problem, lies in the last sentence above. It is a HUMAN PROBLEM. A gun itself is harmless, until a PERSON picks up the gun, inserts the clip, pulls back the hammer, loads a bullet into the chamber, turns off the safety of the gun aims and fires that same gun. The PERSON is in control of what the so called “weapon” does, where it aims, how many times the trigger is pulled, and whether or NOT a life is taken.
What we need is better background checks, better EDUCATION on how to handle a gun, and stricter limits to selling guns. Of course, some will fall through the cracks no matter how small the cracks are and there were ALWAYS be illegal sales of weapons, drugs, and other illegal products. That is the way of life. But, it is OUR duty to EDUCATE and hold the PERSON responsible for such a malice crime not the weapon used in the crime.
Why are guns not the problem? For the same reason one's month, fist, feet, arms, teeth, a steak knife or writing pen can become a WEAPON. It is not a weapon UNTIL a PERSON turns it into one and uses it to commit a CRIME. How can WE hold a weapon responsible yet, scream for JUSTICE when a crime has been committed?