When will people wake up and realize that the only ones undermining our democracy is done by rogue groups inside our own government

in #news7 years ago

It should piss everyone off that what you were taught growing up that every american gets to vote and based on s we elect our presidents, congressmen, governors etc. You were always told that you have just as much chance to be president or whatever you want cause we live in the great country of america.

It's all a bunch of hooha bullshit. These people who govern us think we are so dumb and have so little regard for our wants, hopes and dreams. We are just meat bodies meant to do the work that these entitled greedy crooks think they are above. 90% are completely worthless and are where they're at because they are good at looking people straight in the eyes promising things they know they will make no efforts of doing. They live a lavish and frivolous lifestyle off of our $ and labor. They are the most disingenuous shitbags and live the american dream off of our hard devoted work. They take advantage of we the people who want to make a better place for the next generation. Could you omagone what this country could be if it were governed by genuine men and women who actually wanted to make the cointry a better place? It just baffles me everytime i see a campaign lead by some scam artist and people so blindly support them. They look like a bunch of hypnotized zombies.

Most people especially regular people are good people who want to do and be good. We assume these politicians etc share those same thoughts. They are so tickled by our blind allegiance and support that you can see it expressed on their faces. Thinking "If you people1. item only knew that you Dont matter" their actions tell us over and over that we're not important and special. It's all a dog and pony show, just theatre. It's complicated because that's the way it's designed to be. Our government lacks integrity and doing what's right for all americans. Everything is all backwards from how it's supposed to be. Tired of being lied to and insulted. The waters are so muddy and srirred up right and it waa done intentionally. The government is good at one thing and that is to complicate things and keep the sheep fighting eachother.


What is the saying?
You cheat me once: shame on you.
You cheat me twice or more: shame on me.

I saw a comment of yours elsewhere so I came to see if it was a one off. I am glad to see it is not.

Be as vocal as you can, but if you really care about turning things around, get active.

I am not talking about violence; I am talking about boycotting politicians, corporations, media etc who are openly acting against us.

For instance, are you on the web, using MS operating system? Did you pay for it? If yes, you have contributed to the fund Bill Gates is using to torture and kill millions of children (check for the report that India banned him, his wife and the WHO, because they experimented on 300,000 children with his so-called cancer vaccines.

Check, still on YT, the video about his vaccines in Kenya, sterilising all the females, from just born to end of child-bearing age

Watch him on TV admitting he will continue to sterilise and kill children until the population has gone down to 'manageable' levels (about 500,000)

REFUSE to buy anything from ANY company he has a share in, Monsanto being the most evil of the lot.

Support people like Brigitte Gabriel

If not there, join Gab.ai (the more members they have, the stronger the message to our enemies - and the few who are fighting for us).

I'll follow so as to see what else you feel strongly about.