The Mainstream Media should be penalized for airing fake and/lazy news reporting

in #news7 years ago

Currently there is no laws or penalties to keep the media from airing false, bias or misleading news. Alot of it some would say is just plain propoganda with an agenda that is not to inform the people. They rush to report breaking news stories with unknown sources and hammer it into peoples brains as facts only to quietly retract it after the damage has been done. It is better to be uninformed than misinformed.

These big media outlets priority is rankings and to sway the people into believing and thinking what they want. I believe it is totally agenda and politically driven under the false disguise of reporting truth.
If a story doesn't support their bias politically they either misreport on it or completely ignore it.

I think there should be a law that if you claim to be an honest news and journalism outlet and you consostently get it wrong and especially if it's done on purpose you shouldn't be able to brainwash and misinform the oftem impressionable public. Most people don't have the time to source what the media is supposedly doing for them. One of Americas biggest problems today is the lack of integrity from the press.

Please comment and share your thoughts.


There comes the Ministry of Truth

It's very bothersome to me that most of our countrys news outlets are controlled, censored and crafted from under the umbrella of the CIA. It's operation mockingbird still going on way stronger and more effective than ever. It is mostly theatre and propoganda.