There's No Sunni Sect in IslamsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #news3 months ago

For all those acting smart describing the terrorists in Syria as Sunni radical Jihadists fighting against the Shia and other minorities, there's no such thing as a Sunni Muslim, let alone a terrorist Muslim.

This thing has been going on for centuries, the calling of the vast majority of Muslims who are not aligned with one of the sects as Sunni Muslim.

These terrorists intimidating the worshipers are not following the path of Islam's prophet, his Sunnah

Sunni in Arabic, the language of the Holy Quran, is derived from the 3 letters root word (in Arabic) of Sunnah - سنّة with an emphasis on the N which means in general terms: a way, a path, a method.

In Islam it was acquainted with the path Prophet Muhammad PBUH followed, the path of every prophet and messenger sent before him by God - Allah to guide humanity, his followers are the followers of his path, his Sunnah, in other words, every Muslim is a Sunni as he has to follow the path, the Sunnah of the prophet of Islam.

Furthermore, Islam is a religion for all and its followers are literally instructed not to follow any sect within Islam, it's a mainstream religion that has the main pillars agreed upon by every Muslim and the first of those pillars is the testimony that there's only one God and Prophet Muhammad is his messenger, aka the two testimonies - الشهادتين.

Anybody who believes and says that there's only one God and prophet Muhammad is a messenger of God is a Muslim by default. Prophet Muhammad is not the only prophet and messenger by God, he's the last one of them.

Prophet Muhammad left the Muslims and humanity by extensions a set of rules that should match with those left by all the previous prophets and messengers as they were all conveying the same messages over and again sent by God to his human creatures, those following those methods are the Sunnah.

Any person acting as knowledgeable or an expert in Islam once they mention the word Sunni and implying or directly stating it belongs to a group of Muslims should be disregarded of a scholar in or learned about Islam.

After the last Rashideen Caliphate Othman was killed, Moawyah, the ruler of Damascus and a nephew of Othman asked Ali, the presumed Caliph successor of the slain Othman in Medina to punish all of those involved in the murder of the Caliph, Ali thought otherwise as he didn't want to cause bloodshedding and at the same time, didn't want to punish the commons for the wrongdoing of the instigators, the differences were fast accelerated to the extent that both followers had a military confrontation by the end of which Ali decided not to confront further and conceded to Mowayah.

Those who betrayed Ali during the battle and later during the confrontation his son Hussein, the grandson of Prophet Muhammad wanted to repent and started beating up themselves in what is now seen during the commemoration days by the Shia sect, the word Shia - شيعة means those who sided with, they are also called Ali's Shia, those who supported Ali but only after betraying him.

Ali and his two sons Hasan and Hussein rejected any schism among the Muslims. Yet, some people in the following years decided, mainly for political reasons as Islam strictly prohibits any infighting or confrontation between Muslims, to gather into groups and refer to themselves as Shia, and from them, so many other sects sprung up. The same happened to different groups of Islam, especially among those who didn't have a strong understanding of Islam or were taught by radicals and extremists, leftists and rightists alike, who were creating their own groups, and later parties, and calling themselves after their main clerics.

The name Sunni remains acclaimed by those who do not align with any sect, those who do align with different sects are Sunni by nature but deviate with certain acts to distinguish themselves from the others, like certain looks or moves performed during prayers and other worshiping.

I hope the picture is clear. Islam rejects schism, infighting, violence, and extremism, and that's how it expanded and prevailed and that's how it's still the growing religion while all the others are diminishing.

Your objective comments are always welcome.

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People often confuse religion with political movements using religion, like Zionism and Judaism, the first is the enemy of the second from within, Wahhabism and Muslim Brotherhood with Islam, the Crusade campaigns with Christianity, and thousands of other examples and within each religion, the different sects like Sunni and Shia, Catholics and Orthodox, and over 70 different sects of Judaism.

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