NATO Hysterically Pressuring UNSC to Extend Lifeline for Al Qaeda in Syria's Idlib
The UNSC lifeline for Al Qaeda's last stronghold in Idlib expires within days, NATO member states are in a frenzy to extend it amidst opposition from Russia and China, will the latter two submit to NATO pressure like they've done so far and help prolong the suffering of the Syrian people?

NATO member states, the 'exporters of their surplus of democracy and freedoms' by ways of wars based on lies, military coups and regime change wars disguised as 'colored revolutions' and by ways of creating, funding, arming, and sponsoring terrorism, are not giving up on one of their most important yet criminal proxy tools in Syria, Al Qaeda Levant and its 'civilian first responders' dubbed the White Helmets, a lifeline for cross-border supplies approved by the UNSC also under false humanitarian claims expires on the 10th of January, and unless a miracle happens, the Syrian and Russian airforces will get the freehands in bombing the 'humanitarian aid' of weapons delivered to the terrorists in Idlib via Turkey, the beacon of democracy, free speech, secularism in the region, pre-2002, the year in which the anti-Islamic Muslim Brotherhood took over.
It took 4 months for the last delivery of 'humanitarian aid' delivered from the Syrian-controlled area into Al Qaeda controlled areas in Idlib to be distributed by the terrorists, it only contained food supplies, medicine, and essentials, however, the other lifeline covered by the UNSC mandate goes directly to its recipients immediately, that contains weapons, advanced communication devices, munition, and other 'essentials' needed by the terrorists.
For now, the Russian and Chinese position is holding, last time it was the same until the last minute when they gave in to the pressure from NATO, last time the NATO clan were not threatening Russia in Ukraine and now in Kazakhstan, and they were very much in control of Afghanistan, will this factor in?
Seasoned investigative analyst Miri Wood walks us through the so-called 'Humanitarian cross-border mechanism' and the options available after NATO's failure using other methods in this report: UNSC: Failures & Fake Doctors Explore ‘Possibilities’ against Syria.
PS: I'd like to apologize if I disappoint NATO citizens who believe this alliance which should have been dismantled after the Warsaw Pact disbanded itself 3 decades ago, is some kind of a noble alliance or a force of establishing peace and security around the world, the war against Iraq, Libya, Syria, Yemen, the ongoing occupation of Palestine and oppression of Palestinians with the help of NATO, regime changes around the world, their heavy presence in Africa, and others prove anything but NATO is some sort of a 'defense' alliance.
Your objective comments are always welcome.
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