A U.S. President Against Big Pharma And Vaccines, Has This Ever Happened In U.S. History?

in #news7 years ago (edited)

U.S. President Donald Trump is against big pharma he's made this widely known with Tweets from his Twitter account and the appointment of Robert F. Kennedy Jr. as the head of the new Vaccine Safety Commission. Kennedy is a frequent outspoken critic against vaccinations specifically stating that thimerosal is a harmful additive within vaccines that is causing autism in children.

The argument is that MMR vaccines potentially cause autism which before prior the Polio vaccine SV40 is documented on record to have costed  people their lives and caused cancer by the CDC themselves now deleted  page which you can confirm existed using Archive.org’s time machine. Also here’s more evidence SV40 has been detected in some human tumors

So what is the probability that the MMR vaccine causes autism is there  any research that suggest MMR could potential cause autism in kids? There is a ton of evidence including – court cases, various studies, whistle-blowers and quotes by Health community officials themselves. 

 This issue isn’t new it’s been known since the 1960’s that MMR causes autism has admitted this publicly.

“Rubella (congenital rubella syndrome) is one of the few proven causes of autism”
~Walter A. Orenstein, M.D., former Assistant Surgeon General and  Director of the National Immunization Program, in a 2002 letter to the  UK’s Chief Medical Officer.

Then in 1998, a study by Dr. Andrew Wakefield and colleagues published in the respected  medical journal the Lancet allegedly found a supposed link with autism  and bowel disease which has since been retracted and called an elaborate fraud

Where another medical journal Mercola found that new evidence refutes fraud findings in Dr. Wakefield’s Case.

Andrew Wakefield was also the director of the censored movie VAXXXED.In  2015, Dr. William Thompson a CDC whistle-blower confirmed the previous  claims made by Dr. Andrew Wakefield in 1998 who is strongly discredited.

Thompson alleges that his colleagues in a 2004 study by the U.S. Centers  for Disease Control covered up and destroyed 2004 study documents that  showed a significant link between the MMR vaccine (measles, mumps and  rubella) and autism in African American boys vaccinated before 36 months.

“The  omitted data suggested that African American males who received the MMR  vaccine before age 36 months were at increased risk for autism.”
~CDC Senior Scientist Dr. William Thompson

 If that’s not enough after the revelation by the CDC whistle-blower other doctors have questioned the MMR vaccine’s safety. Even Dr. Peter Fletcher, former Chief Scientific Officer at the Department of Health in the UK, says “there is thousands of documents that are being ignored that prove the dangers of the MMR vaccine.”

“The refusal by governments to evaluate the risks properly will make this one of the greatest scandals in medical history”
~Dr. Peter Fletcher said.
“It’s time to  clean up the CDC cesspool Dr. Thompson must speak, under oath. We all  need to email the Congressional Oversight and Reform Office today and  request that Dr. Thompson be issued a subpoena. If the CDC intentionally  hid the data that the MMR vaccine was associated with autism, then CDC  heads need to roll this needs to end now!”
~Dr. Brownstein A Top Doctor said.

The CDC whistle-blower story originated by Sharyl Attkisson,  a former CBS News journalist so even a former Mainstream journalist  believes vaccines could have a link to autism. In addition, a current  CBS reporter Ben Swann also exposed this story during his segment “Reality Check” and further exposed the Vaccine Court  established by Congress in 1986 which prevents people injured by vaccines from suing vaccine companies on his Truth in Media series.

On July 29, 2015 U.S. Congressman Bill Posey even read William Thompson’s statement on the House floor. 

There are additionally several court cases although the CDC and  Pharmaceutical industry would love to have these covered up i dug them  up. One MMR clinical trial’s results were faked by Big Pharma Merck.  Merck knowingly falsified its mumps vaccine test results to fabricate a  “95% efficacy rate.” In order to do this, Merck “spiked the blood test  with animal antibodies to artificially inflate the appearance of immune  system antibodies.” As reported by CourthouseNews.com

Another case in an Italian court in September, 2014, “ruled mercury and aluminum in vaccines cause autism”  and awarded a plaintiff’s family compensation for their young boy who  developed autism from a six-in-one hexavalent vaccine manufactured by  GlaxoSmithKline. GSK even admits INFANRIX Hexa can cause several deadly illnesses but insists that its risk-benefit profile “continues to be favorable.” 

In 2013, Two Kids were awarded by the vaccine court with millions confirming the MMR vaccine causes autism.

RFK jr. believes “it’s the preservative Thiomersal in the vaccines that causes  autism.”

Kennedy also wrote a weighty piece on the CDC whistle-blower  entitled – “CDC’s Latest Tuskegee Experiment
African American Autism and Vaccines.”

Thiomersal isn’t the only ingredient in vaccines admittedly they even put traces of aluminum  which is classified as a neurotoxin to the body and admitted that  “despite using it for 90 years medical sciences' understanding about using aluminum as a vaccine adjuvant is remarkably poor.” 

 “Aluminum is an experimentally demonstrated neurotoxin and the most  commonly used vaccine adjuvant. Despite almost 90 years of widespread  use of aluminum adjuvants, medical science’s understanding about their  mechanisms of action is still remarkably poor. There is also a  concerning scarcity of data on toxicology and pharmacokinetics of these  compounds. In spite of this, the notion that aluminum in vaccines is  safe appears to be widely accepted. Experimental research, however,  clearly shows that aluminum adjuvants have a potential to induce serious  immunological disorders in humans. In particular, aluminum in adjuvant  form carries a risk for autoimmunity, long-term brain inflammation and  associated neurological complications and may thus have profound and  widespread adverse health consequences. In our opinion, the possibility  that vaccine benefits may have been overrated and the risk of potential  adverse effects underestimated, has not been rigorously evaluated in the  medical and scientific community. We hope that the present paper will  provide a framework for a much needed and long overdue assessment of  this highly contentious medical issue.”
~ US National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health said

Vaccines aren't the only big pharma demon that U.S. President Donald Trump is taking on he has also vowed to tackle the opioid crisis and pharmaceutical companies. Then he dug his claws deeper into big pharma in general by recently tweeting out his praise for National Rx Drug Take Back Day. 

"Thank you to all Americans that participated today, A record amount of drugs collected & disposed. We can do this!," Trump tweeted.

This also comes as the Trump administrations' DOJ has arrested and charged a CEO of a big pharmaceutical company with racketeering and fraud for its hand in the opioid crisis pushing a dangerous spray opiate on the population.

John Kapoor, 74, board chairman of Akorn Pharmaceuticals and CEO of Insys Therapeutics Inc. and several others have been indicted and charged with leading a nationwide conspiracy to bribe doctors to prescribe his company’s opioid painkiller Subsys, The Chicago Tribune reported.  

When was the last time the U.S. had a President who was against big pharma and its practices who was actively going after them for their dangerous "medicines"?


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Thank-you for talking about this.

I have written about Trump's vaccine commission a couple of times. Robert Kennedy Jr. actually talks about ALL the side affects of mercury/thimerosol, not just autism. That is only one bit of the puzzle, but the media likes to focus on autism since they constantly make fun of people who believe that vaccines cause autism.

I just wrote a piece about vaccines yesterday myself.

Measles vaccine led to the outbreak.

And I notice your ignorant comments quite often.

If you have ANY morality, you'll look at Wakefield's research. Vaccines are very flawed science.

Measles vaccine led to the outbreak.

It's almost as if you didn't even bother to read the article. The measles outbreak started after the parents heeded Wakefield's advice and did not vaccinate their kids, and ended after they rejected his advice sand started brining their kids in to get vaccinated.
My son had his full regimen of shots including MMR twice as an infant/toddler. He is not remotely autistic.

And Measles Vaccines won't stop a kid from getting the Measles. It say so in the Information insert!
Sticking your child with a Toxic cocktail of of ingredients to bypass their natural immune system has been exposed for a dangerous practice. As a parent, you should at least read the information of what you're committing your children to. But do what you want with your own offspring bud! But enforcing EVERYONE to Vaccinate is Sick and Demented. I prefer the Wildlings to the herds of Toxically damaged masses.

Oh, and I read the article.. but you've obviously avoided watching the VAXXED documentary... so for the benefit of your children, you should see the following...

Feel FREE to stick YOUR CHILDREN All you want sicko!

I am step-granny to 2 autistic boys, both of whom were FINE up to their one year vaccine. The mother was assured it was just a coincidence the first time... imagine how she felt when it happened again? I hope Kennedy can live to do this...
Anybody heard jack-spit from Ben Swann lately?

Since "pizza-gate" he's been seen sparingly doing mundane local reporting.

Yeah, sadly Ben needs to make a living and his style of reporting isn't looked upon well by the public(who really prefers NOT to know) and his employers, who toe the government line.

Great informative article. Normally I'm not much interested in the topic that is USSA. But this is something that involve lives of our future generations. I don't know how many of these Big Pharma guys are already planning for a autism ridden society. I mean quarter of the milk cows of United States are mentally ill. Add autism to the list and that's a lot of green. I don't even think this is simply a coverup. They are letting the autism spread happen on purpose.

Also, go check http://vaxxedthemovie.com/ It's a very important documentary. Don't miss it. Spread the word.

I am happy to see steps are being taken to address the poisoning of our country's citizens. I don't get the free flu vaccines and hope the public educates themselves. Media shames people who don't vaccine, public schools forbid children from attending without current records and parents with autistic children struggle to find in network providers to treat autistic children. I applaud Trump for addressing this. Thanks for the information. Restesmed.

We do need to do more research about vaccines and its relation to autism.

"Unavoidably Unsafe"

There are some 5,000 petitions alleging a causal link between certain vaccines and autism spectrum disorders that are currently pending in an omnibus proceeding in the Court of Federal Claims (Vaccine Court).

Autistic conditions can result from acute disseminated encephalomyelitis (ADEM) following MMR vaccination as held by the US Federal Court in the case of Bailey Banks. In his conclusion, US Federal Court Special Master Abell ruled that Petitioners had proven that the MMR had directly caused a brain inflammation illness called acute disseminated encephalomyelitis (ADEM) which, in turn, had caused the autism spectrum disorder PDD-NOS in the child:
The Court found that Bailey’s ADEM was both caused-in-fact and proximately caused by his vaccination. It is well-understood that the vaccination at issue can cause ADEM, and the Court found, based upon a full reading and hearing of the pertinent facts in this case, that it did actually cause the ADEM. Furthermore, Bailey’s ADEM was severe enough to cause lasting, residual damage, and retarded his developmental progress, which fits under the generalized heading of Pervasive Developmental Delay, or PDD [an autism spectrum disorder]. The Court found that Bailey would not have suffered this delay but for the administration of the MMR vaccine, and that this chain of causation was… a proximate sequence of cause and effect leading inexorably from vaccination to Pervasive Developmental Delay.
[Banks v. HHS (Case 02-0738V, 2007 U.S. Claims LEXIS 254, July 20, 2007)].

Vaccinating with human body parts can cause the recipient to produce antibodies to human tissue. Children produce antibodies to every component of the vaccine, and not simply the viruses. This can cause demylination of the nerves and auto-immune disorders. Children who have been vaccinated with MMR and later suffered autism have been found to have antibodies to their own brain tissue, and this may be a consequence of using foetal tissue in MMR. ‘Susana C. Silva, Catarina Correia and Astrid M. Vicente at the Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciência, Oeiras, Portugal and colleagues studied the blood of a large sample of individuals - 171 patients, 191 parents and 54 healthy controls - and report that autistic patients are in fact characterised by presenting in their blood high levels of non-inherited antibodies against the body’s brain tissue.’ (Dr Catarina Amorim; Journal of Neuroimmunology; Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciência, Observatório da Ciência e do Ensino Superior, Portugal; July 23, 2004).

The only flu shot I have is from my green smoothies :D