Black Friday is just another sleeping pill.

in #news7 years ago

Black Friday is just another way of celebrating that you are a slave that is haunting material goods. Goods that you actually have to work your ass of to pay (sorry for the expression).


The average person in the western world wakes up every Monday waiting for Friday to arrive in order finally once more to say TGIF (thank god its Friday).
This Friday many are waiting for black Friday to arrive in order to buy some of the products that they can't afford normally because of the high prices.

But when all you are waiting for from Monday morning when you go to work is Friday, then how on earth can it be that important to get a new TV on half price?
I can understand the short term satisfaction you get from buying something you desire, but let's be serious and start to see things from a long term perspective and furthermore focus on what really counts.

Spending your energy chasing cheaper prices is not the way you create a better life, in fact I personally believe that such consumerism instead is removing your focus away from what every individual should focus on.
We are all having a unique talent, then why not spend some time every day in order to improve that unique talent? After all focusing on our talent and our skills might lead us to a life that isn't all about reaching Friday.


Seeing pictures of how people are behaving on black Friday says a lot about their psychology.
Somehow the desperation of people seems as if they are starving, and can't survive without these products.
You can perhaps suggest that people are starving, but from a spiritual perspective since chasing products with such a fanaticism is something a sane person wouldn't do.

Of course people have the right to spend their money as they wish, after all they earned them, but in case you want to spend money then why not travel somewhere and experience something that you will remember for life? Such as seeing the Northern lights or whatever you really dream of experiencing once. Stopping your consumerism for a period will make you save the money you need in order to experience something big.


Anyway this is just my opinion, and I would look forward to hear what your opinion is about black Friday.
Finally I would also like to admit that I myself for years was buying many irrelevant and expensive material goods until I realized that it didn't lead me anywhere.


This is the natural end product of corporatism, consumerism and income inequality levels not seen since the gilded age.

Spot on! Spend your life doing a job you hate for stuff you don't actually need, to make you happy as recompense for having to do a job you hate but are obliged to do daily to pay for it all. Materialistic madness. There is a better way - opt out of corrupt consumerism at all costs cycle and just BE. I really appreciated your writing and have followed you in the hope that you may reciprocate. Be well xox

It like this sentence of yours "pend your life doing a job you hate for stuff you don't actually need" it is in reality the definition of failure.

Ain't that the truth ;) xox

It certainly is :)!!

"Black Friday is just another way of celebrating that you are a slave that is haunting material goods". That sentence says it all.

Unfortunately but that is the truth in my opinion.

Oscar, what is your opinion about black Friday?

Well, I think Black Friday is a desperate way of selling in hard times like these.

There is no doubt that the stores are trying to motivate the consumers to continue their consuming.

If you can't afford it normally then we have this special day only for you.

Agree. It's all about consuming not filling your needs.

This is the problem. It is important to think and no to consume.

Agreed. The title says it all and well said at that. So many people make it their priority to be a consumer rather than create.

It's dumb, it's anoying, this people are zombies, I don't wanna hear about it.
Faith in humanity! -50%

I somehow also sometimes feel that I was to turn my back on people being slaves of the system, but on the other hand they simply aren't bad persons. Which is why I try to tell my opinion about such things in order to make people think about what is going on.

Very interesting piece! I think a lot of people share your opinion. I think a more important question is how do you break this consumer cycle which promotes events like Black Friday?

A solution could be to incentivize different societal values, but that requires a paradigm shift which is incredible difficult and unpredictable to facilitate.

How did you come to the realization that consumption didn't lead you anywhere and how can more people come to this realization?

When you are young sometimes in period or for some things, it can make your life better if you go with the flow.
Always being opposite can also lose it's charm, at least once you are young it also is nice to be a part of what is accepted.

But I realized that consumerism is the most idiotic way of giving back all my effort to people that are smart enough to charge me 200 euros for a pair of jeans. I realized that in a capitalist world we are fighting to survive which means that cash (whether we like it or not) is one of our only weapons that we have in order to be free.
Using your weapon in irrelevant situations means that you would have no more fire left once the real chance appears.