Aggroed's Antidote- 4/10/18 If you had my news feed you'd question the official narrative too!

in #news7 years ago

News feeds can save lives. If more people had a better news feed they might actually question the bullshit that's going on around them. Here are some stories in my news feed that I think are important that you have likely missed because they are hard to find.


BTC 6825
Steem 1.83
SBD 1.90


No sign of chemical weapons at attack site... False Flag?

MIT Expert says Syrian Gas attack was staged

Conflict in Syria was always Isarel's War

Israel is bombing Gaza

John McCain visits chemical attacks follow

Mattis admits Assad didn't poison his own people

throwback UN accuses Syrian rebels of gas attacks, which had been blamed on Assed 2013

US officials confirm Israel attacked Syria


Syria becomes World War Powderkeg

Titus Frost talks about Israel bombing Syria

Luke we are change talks about Syria Bombing with Partisan Girl

US says no evidence that Assad behind chemical attack

War Diary in Syria March 6th

Isareli airstrike on T-4 base in Syria with Russians in it

(Tony Blair says UK should attack Syria](

Assad denies chemical weapons use


Homeland Security Advisor Resignation

South Carolina to consider secession

FBI raids Trump Lawyer

Dems release tax hike plan

Dem arrested for firing 9mm without serial number


China trade changes

Indigenous Women March in Amazon

China ready to lower tariffs on American Cars

WW3 Erdogan calls for ARMY of Islam to attack Israel

Erdogana nd Tump coordinate

Erdogan calls Netanyahu a terrorist

Israel rejects UN and EU calls for Gaza inquiry

London stop and frisk for knives

Abe cabinet in Peril

Old News Israeli officials say time to kill Bashar



James Fetzer on Parkland

Ethnic cleansing of Palestine

Jerry Brown to release 10k pedophiles

Malaysian plane that went down over Ukraine

Rod Rosenstein's wife a layers for Obama, Clinton

Queen Elizabeth records a speech about oncoming WWIII

How to spot retilians

Broward County Sheriff Deputy questioning the narrative is dead

Officer reassigned after indicating school shooting was a hoax

Puerto Rico being ethnically cleansed for superrich


Asshole from Snopes busted for prostitutes

UN asshole facing Pedo charges

CPS makes money taking your kids


YouTube and FB are losing to Steem


Vaccinated vs Unvaccinated

2nd Amendment keeps women safe


Transpicuous Views on Education


Bayer to acquire Monsanto

Secret Space

Buzz Aldrin pass lie detector on UFO encounters

9/11 petitiion


I no-longer read news on google. You're my google these days. Thank you

Awesome post. Checking some of this crazy stuff out...I can't believe that Assad would attack his own people with chemical weapons when he knows we are pulling out...sounds fishy to me!

most likely chemical weapon attack was false flag, but as far as i know what Assad did with bombing his own people conventionally and suppressing them with violence wherever possible is also not that much better. The right of people to self-determination should be enforced by the international community.
Same way as we should not just close our eyes if someone is beaten next to us, nations should not close their eyes if people in other nations are beaten to death.

The right of people to self-determination is a cardinal principle in modern international law (commonly regarded as a jus cogens rule), binding, as such, on the United Nations as authoritative interpretation of the Charter's norms.[1][2] It states that a people, based on respect for the principle of equal rights and fair equality of opportunity, have the right to freely choose their sovereignty and international political status with no interference.[3]

I understand that we should not allow evil bullies, but why us...why not the nations in that area. Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, ...even the useless U.N. We may be dragged into another war that was actually started by deep state and globalists who want war.

what is missing is an international force. Currently only Alliances operate, maybe its always like this. Sadly Saudi Arabia, Turkey and Iran have their own local interests that are not necessarily in the interest of Sunni or Shiite people in the area. The sad thing is, that we even give weapons to Turkey and other Nations involving not necessarily in a good way in the conflict. If you ask me, the conflict seems to be between Shiite and Sunni, between Saudi Arabia and Iran, between Turkey and the Kurds and of course between Russia and US. Lot of conflicts. But if we look closely they all seem to follow the main problem, that self determination of people is not allowed. Current Syria is a mix of mainly three groups of people, that have nothing in common, same as Irak. Kurds should be allowed to be independent, same as Shiite and Sunni. Then US / WEST could defend the Kurds, Iran could defend the Shiite, Russia, Saudi Arabia and Turkey the Sunni.

Yes. Turkey is def not our friend. And Russia wants a strong hold in the region. But it is a trap for us. But we must defend Israel, and these counries are def enemies of Israel.

I would not say that Turkey is not our friend. Out of their point of view they had an military coup who they think America supported. Also they fear the Kurds to have a own state, because they fear, that the Kurds in their country try to be independent too. What is missing is clear international rules and enforcement for the right of self determination.

Turkey is not our friend.

Iraq was our friend, then Iraq was not our friend, now Iraq is our Friend...

nice these are alot to take in at once.. i would bookmark this post and read more later.. thanks for sharing

a great post @aggroed??
good a watching video.. like that..

At the top of your list was the insane psychopaths in D.C. that want to take us into war. God help us. I was amazed that today the stock market went up by 428 pnts. just because Puckernuts smiled, but it seems no one is concerned about war. Am I in some kind of alternate reality? I held the fantasy that Trump would negotiate peace with Russia but it seems no modern President comes without string attached (to the global elite). Appreciate the list. Blessings.

Tons of info here, something for everyone! Great work getting them all in this post, I look forward to more like this!

Thanks for being such a useful witness, I've included you in this post and I hope that you will do much more for steemit. ☺

Great information as always.

It boggles my mind that more people don't clue in on the fact that their gods (governments) will do anything to keep the curtain closed and the money flowing.

Of course... more of the people I talk to daily seem to be waking up at least somewhat. All we really have to do is stop giving these clowns the fruits of our labor and the world will change quickly.

So true @aggroed , theres way to much bullshit in the news / fake news ! I stoped watching it , thanks for some links to check out ! 👍👍👍