Venezuela the next North Korea?

in #news7 years ago (edited)

 "Venezuela could be the next North Korea if the world does not act," former Bolivian president Jorge Quiroga titled in his opinion column published in the Huffington Post.

"Venezuelans take to the streets ... In their epic struggle for freedom against the narco-criminal dictatorship in the land of the Liberator," the Bolivian politician wrote.

 In his opinion, the "magical country" that is Venezuela is subject to a "ruthless regime" that has turned it into a "dark and dystopian nightmare".

 He also addressed the economic crisis generated by inflation and the shortage of goods. He added the situation in health and politics. "Opposition leaders are imprisoned, exiled or disqualified."

To complete all this the government of North Korea fully supports Venezuela, we could see it when Trump applied sations against the regime of mature. North Korea branded Donald Trump as mentally deranged and conditionally supports Venezuela. What do you think?