News, February 6, 2018 => Singapore Confirms It Will Not ‘Ban’ Cryptocurrency, Has No ‘Risk Concerns’

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News, February 6, 2018
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Singapore Confirms It Will Not ‘Ban’ Cryptocurrency, Has No ‘Risk Concerns’

looks like this is the trend , more countries are confirming they will not ban cryptos
Helpfull post
Thanks for sharing this news with us
Keep it up you always do good
I wish you all the best
newspaper always helps use..
Thnx for sharing. . I always following you.
Helpful post thanks @achim86
شكرا على التقاسم معلومات مهمة
nice information,i like your post
thanks for sharing
very excellent
yeah really this is a great project and they launch the heavy falcon rocket which is the best and strongest rocket in world
also i am waiting from you and good news about crypto @achim ,bcz now every one is feel not good this time to see a continusely bloodbath on crypto market