Latest news:Indonesia 6.8 earthquake occurred near the island of Sumatra 印尼苏门答腊岛附近海域发生6.8级地震

in #news8 years ago

Just see the @Xiangni released Bali travel articles, want to know the situation in Bali, Indonesia did not expect near the Indonesian island of Sumatra 6.8 earthquake occurred in the vicinity, some funny, it seems that this place or not to die, at every turn on Earthquake

The earthquake in the waters near Sumatra Island, Indonesia, was officially confirmed by the China Seismological Network. At 6.83am on December 07, a 6.8-magnitude earthquake occurred in the waters near Sumatra Island, Indonesia (5.30 degrees north latitude and 96.20 degrees east longitude) Meter

则刚看到@xiangni 发布的巴厘岛旅游文章,想了解巴厘岛情况,没想到在巴厘岛附近的印尼苏门答腊岛附近海域发生6.8级地震,有些滑稽, 看来这个地方还是去不得呀,动不动就地震呀!



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