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RE: Why #newbieresteemday Could Use Your 500 SP - And How I Suggest You Distribute It

Here is a convo with @charisma777 regarding what it will take to secure other delegations of steem to your project... I suggested that she and you work it out because frankly I'm too soft on people, I'm a yes guy and I realize that. There is a balance and I think you and charisma777 both have the intelligence to set reasonable boundaries and communicate them to potential steem donors (and she would be good at hunting them down IMO)... here is the convo and the thread is a few lines below if you want the context.

I had confidence in you @charisma777 :) ... I will pass that info on to @mudcat36 so that he and you can discuss figuring out what will make them comfortable... I'm a pretty big teddy bear when it comes to seeing the "good" in people so I'm sure my standards would be too lax. Maybe you and mudcat can find something that you 2 agree with. I trust both of your tastes in quality balanced with your desire to help the newbies. I'll hop in if you need me, but I think you two are more qualified than me on this (rules weren't ever something I liked following) ;)

And again, that is if you want to get involved... I honestly don't want to push you and mudcat if either of you object. My goal is the integrate and connect the people that I believe have certain capabilities and temperaments.

I'll also copy and past this thread to mudcat so that he also is aware of the conversation....

As always charisma, you are awesome and I thank you very much for your efforts.