Battle Steem Seven : $ 30 + In Prizes

We fought of the Pirates and they are in retreat but most our ships are destroyed or badly damaged. If it wasn't for the reinforcements that showed up mid battle we may have never of survived.
Home port is just a few hours away and numbed by the feeling of war I stand stunned as I glare out to view the carnage left behind as we sail past the battle zone we were just in. I begin day dreaming of the last time I seen my family and can hear the sound of my sons X-Box One playing his favorite game ( Assassin's Creed Unity ) as he mentions he will soon need a new X-Box live subscription. Boom ... Bang ... I am awaken from my day dream ... we are being fired on again. .....
I must have been day dreaming for awhile as we are close to home port and that is where the shots are coming from. Has our base been compromised .... .

- Upvote this post
- You can only win one @dustsweeper account
- Contest ends on the 6th day of post creation
- You can fire one shot a day at my ship
- You can earn an extra shot for resteeming
- Extra shots given to those who discover ammunition or an airstrike
- Earn an extra shot for upvoting my comment detailing the ships that have been sunk and what prizes are left
- Assassin's Creed Unity Xbox One Game Download Code
- 1 of 3 X-Box Live Codes ( 48 hours )
- 1 of 3 X-Box Live Codes ( 48 hours )
- 1 of 3 X-Box Live Codes ( 48 hours )
- 1 of 3 @dustsweeper starter accounts
- 1 of 3 @dustsweeper starter accounts
- 1 of 3 @dustsweeper starter accounts
- 100 DogeCoin
- 75 DogeCoin
- 50 DogeCoin
- 1 of 2 Pirates Treasure " Fools Gold " - Fire Two Shots
- 1 of 2 Pirates Treasure " Fools Gold " - Fire Two Shots
- 1 of 2 ammunition ~ Fire Three Shots At The Grid
- 1 of 2 ammunition ~ Fire Three Shots At The Grid
- You call in an air strike ~ Fire 5 shots at the Grid
See comment section for more details on prizes " Fools Gold " and " A week of Upvotes From @johndoer123"
Example On How To Play
@dustsweeper fires a shot via picking the letter A and number 1 and entering them via the comment section. My ship is not located on A-1 so @rentmoney will then type Miss under your entry. If you pick the right grid number I will then type hit under your comment and award you the prize located under that grid number.
Pay attention to the other entries to make sure you don't pick a grid number that was already chosen as there is no do overs in war !
What is @dustsweeper ?
A post or comment is considered to be dust if it has a value of less than $0.02. because anything less than $0.02 will not be paid out. So even if your comment is worth $0.019, at payout you will receive nothing. Zero, zilch, zip, nada, nothing!!
@dustsweeper will sweep upvote your comments on the 5th/6th day and upvote it above the $0.02 threshold so you get to collect all the rewards that were intended for you. This initiative was started by @davemccoy and @danielsaori
If you would like to hide a prize in the grid next week please contact me via the comment section or via the wallet function here on Steemit.
This Weeks Sponsors

With no prizes being found thus far I have decided to give a hint to the location of the ships / prizes. There is at least one ship hidden on each letter column.
Game has ended !
you received an up vote from danlupi with voting power of 96.71%. Estimated dollar amount of $1.65
Prizes Found / Ships Sunk
Found by @the-witty-waiter ( A 3 )
Prizes / Ships Still In The Grid
This post received a $0.189 (92.19%) upvote from @upvotewhale thanks to @rentmoney! For more information, check out my profile!
Woah, a lot more prizes are added! Ah-Maz-Zing!
Shots fired!!
A8 B8 C8
Updated Monday 1:40 pm EST

Miss with all three shots. ....
Excellent work with the grid as usual .. I will be sending an upvote as a thank you once the one I use recharges.
You are Welcome and Thank you!
This post received a $0.147 (70.83%) upvote from @upvotewhale thanks to @rentmoney! For more information, check out my profile!
Wow, thanks!
Your Welcome !
Miss ...
F8 for the win @lenancie
Miss .....
J11. Thank you
Miss .... .
Thanks for sharing your grid a hint to the ships / prizes locations can be found at the bottom of the topic post.
With no prizes being found thus far I have decided to give a hint to the location of the ships / prizes. There is at least one ship hidden on each letter column.
Could you be more accurate please ? ;-)
That's a pretty good hint. There are three letters with only 5 or 6 open grid numbers. It will be easy for yous to start finding ships if yous stick to firing at one of those letters until a ship is found and then switch to another.
Ok. I will have to wait tomorrow for the next shot.
Miss ... ...