@motinkergnome, will you please check to see if you’ve upvoted the contest post? I don’t see your vote, but it is possible I missed the notification. I’d hate for your wetbeer story to miss out! 😀
@pretty.dorky I did neglect the thumb up vote thank you for catching that and keeping me honest. If anyone knows of a good enterprise Network Attached Storage please let me know. I may have this GetNear one going to get whacked like the printer in "Officespace".
Lol you’ve got all kinds of funny rhymes for LetMere! I admit, mine sucks. I just sat here going through possible rhymes... that’s the best I came up with after at least a WHOLE 45 seconds of thinking. 😝
@motinkergnome, will you please check to see if you’ve upvoted the contest post? I don’t see your vote, but it is possible I missed the notification. I’d hate for your wetbeer story to miss out! 😀
@pretty.dorky I did neglect the thumb up vote thank you for catching that and keeping me honest. If anyone knows of a good enterprise Network Attached Storage please let me know. I may have this GetNear one going to get whacked like the printer in "Officespace".
Detail police... it was a fax machine 😜
That is Ok though as I was playing Ghetto Boys all morning in honor of the fax machine. :)
I love that Movie! So funny!!
Lol you’ve got all kinds of funny rhymes for LetMere! I admit, mine sucks. I just sat here going through possible rhymes... that’s the best I came up with after at least a WHOLE 45 seconds of thinking. 😝