Beginner confusion about what steemit is at the moment and what it is intending to become.

in #newbie8 years ago (edited)

Hi guys, I'm also a newbie here. Sound designer/artist. Essentially hope to be able to contribute and find content relevant to my curiosities regarding sound/art/science/ technology etc...Haven't written my validation blog post yet, guess I am more of a 'feel the waters first' kinda person.. =/ But I'll do the proper introduction in a separate blog post as soon as I feel comfortable enough.

This post is more about my current confusion. Till now I have been frantically reading and trying to understand the basic premise (not only the monetary reward part but the social part as well). To be honest I feel rather lost. The more I read the more complicated it gets (in practice). Both the economic and the 'social' vision (what ever that is everybody seem to 'assume' but not necessarily 'demonstrate'). Maybe its because I don't count as an early adapter it is so hard to learn to ropes? But even that feels really weird, since this is still a very new thing? Or am I mistaken? Despite the numerous posts I've seen, which were trying to address beginner confusion I am no where near confident saying I get the whole picture/intentions. Which is frustrating me in return. In fact I happen to have replied to a few other blog posts related to similar frustrations caused by lack of features, accessibility, a clear road map, or an explanation to how this will work and what it means for it to work, other then some fringe case examples to encourage 'profit driven' early-birds to jump in, which in all fairness atm seems like a survivor bias to me and not so much a factual analysis of the environment. I'm in the process of reading the white paper (slowwwlly) but I'm not sure if it will give me the answers I'm looking for. So far what I read (idealistic vision) does not match what I experience... All I see is rather lousy content and/or self promotion, quite a few bots or bot-like superficial commentators/voters turning the whole space into a big bowl of ugly looking soup.

I'm really curious and trying to stay cautiously optimistic. But it is a little too hard atm. How can it be more inclusive? Where can we follow the state of upcoming features? Is reading the white paper potentially enough to understand the 'economic vision and planned safeguards' (if any) around this system so it doesn't create another 1% that holds all the power in their hands? etc etc..

Without us having to dig in through multitude of separate links, I wish there was a wiki or something. I'd personally really appreciate if more experienced members could explain (very very simply and in a structured formulated manner) what is the intention of this space as a 'social-medium'.. Or, if things has been already answered, create a place where 'explanations' are consolidated for noobs like myself to easily find and read.

#help #questions #cycnism-optimism #newbie #steemit #steemit-ideas


for example this wang bot... What is being done to eliminate this stuff? where can i find more info on this?

I think he has become an accepted part of the community.

hmhm I realized it =) which kinda makes me worry already tho. =/ Is that the default mode of operation atm? Community acceptance/ignorance towards such cases? say, instead of laying out the functions (proposals it the word I suppose here at steemit?) to eliminate potentially undesired 'overhead-moderation'.

To be honest I have only been here for a few days so trying to figure it out all out.

@dilzeem couldn't reply directly on your last reply so trying something new here. I guess we'll find out how it works. It is atm too chaotic imho. And as much as I try to stay non-judgmental, there are a lot of red flags for me. let's see where it goes . =)

Good questions! I would like to know the same. And yes, a Wiki or a real FAQ about how all works by the developers would be nice!