need your opinion to my raw concept of MMORPG

in #new8 years ago

here is some raw concept that i've been thinking for MMORPG
i'd like to know how you guys opinions.
i'm picturing this concept as open pvp / pve world type RPG, when there will be a GVG, world boss and dungeons
whad'ya think bout it guys?

alchemy online
200 years ago, there is a big war that bring vasteo into the edge of extinction. war between the great sorcerers, elves and dwarf agains the apocalipse demons army, the nine legions. the human, take the responsibility of summoning them and the ignorance of high elves warning. the war is ended after 100 years of strugle, but the price is so high. the human devided into two different race and almost the entire knowledge of magic are lost, except... the alchemy
civalein ( human ) : the majority race of the vasteo realm, they have a modern civilization and cities. they skill not impresive but has many room of improvements
civalein has 2 sub race : tanker and sorcerer

fosh ( human ) : the human race that long ago banished from the cities because performing forbiden alchemy to summoning a demon. they banished into forbiden wasteland and refuse to acknowledge civalein as their kind
fosh has 2 sub race: demihuman and desert warior

dwarf : living on the mountains around midle vast, this short size and tempered making dwarf an offensive alchemist
dwarf has 2 sub race :gunner and mountain guardian

troll : the true nature enemy of dwarf, they life on deadwood an ruins on midle vast
troll has 2 sub race : headhunter and chieftain

elfling : decendants of ancient elves that mastered the art of light alchemy, after the sorcery war against demon, they living on the valley of starfall
elfling has 2 subrace : archer and priest

mirkwood : the cute walking creature that rise at the edge of sorcery war against demon. the reason why they can talk and using alchemy is mystery. but many vasterians thinks its a magic from ancient elves
mirkwood has 2 subrace : druid and woodwalker

  1. aero alchemy
    focused on element of wind, aero alchemy can bring chaos from the sky. good at both single and aoe damage
  2. blaster alchemy
    once used as artilery at war against demons, good at long ranged and area attack. can be used only with guns and canon
    3.enchantment alchemy
    use a rarest liquid metal to imbued their weapon, or creates a new one alchemy
    capable of reshape the earth and soil, once the earth alchemist sluferish can split the earth and crush the demons alchemy
    strong, and sharp, the power can create an ice from thin air. bring the frozen cold for enemy
    they said its the first alchemy ever created. the caster can bring chaos and burn the field
    7.venom alchemy
    blessed by the power of nature, the caster can use various poison or even the root of tree as its weapons
    8.necro alchemy
    the ancient magic that summons the nine legions into vasteo realm. although only half of it that left to learn, but the power is chaotic
    the mechanic alchemist, they can build a prototype to assist them in battle, even a canon
    10.holy alchemy
    prayer of the light, they can give a various buff and debuff and attack with shining light

deff, mdeff : raised when added point to con
evade : raised when added point to agi, negate the ability to block
shell : raised when added point to int
block : raised when used shield as sub weapons, negate the ability to evade
critical : raised when added point to luck
power : raised when added point to str

sword and blades
available for : desert warior, chieftain, headhunter, wood walker
available for : archer, headhunter, wood walker
guns and canons
available for:gunner, head hunter
available for: mountain guardian, desert warior
wand and orbs
available for : sorcerer demi human, priest, druid
axe and hammer
available for: chieftain mountain guardian, wood walker

heavy armor, light armor, arcane armor