This week update for DEADANOMICON

in #new4 years ago


A week later and I like how everything is working out. Just wanted to mention if you cannot afford to grab a copy right now that's okay. You can support in other ways. Invite people to the Facebook group, Or share my posts ( or make your own) on other social media platforms. Twitter, Instagram, Discord, wherever. Once we can get 100 followers in the Facebook group it opens up other ways to interact with people including a simple way to do giveaways and contests.
If you have ideas on how to promote and suggestions let me know however you can reach me.
Anything is going to help, thanks again for all the love so far. Let's keep the Hype Train going!
Inspired by the Underground comic movement of the 80’s black and white, (The Crow, Faust, TMNT). Raw and unapologetic.
Teenagers at a cabin. Playing roleplaying games, Throwing dice. A copy of the dreaded Necronomicon in their possession. Fueled on horror movies, comics, and catchphrases. What could go wrong..? Hell breaking loose and bleeding into the rest of the world that’s what could happen.
A teenage tale with buckets of blood and gore.