Welcome to the Matrix!

in #new8 years ago (edited)

I wrote this in response to another bloggers Question

Above the law? Does the law even apply? What's the evidence?

WELCOME TO THE MATRIX.....Do you want the blue pill or the red pill?

The TRUTH is that MOST people cannot handle the TRUTH.
Cognitive Dissonance cog·ni·tive dis·so·nance
Definition - cognitive dissonance: psychological conflict resulting from incongruous beliefs and attitudes held simultaneously.

I have been asking this very same question for nearly 12 years. There are no easy answers. First off If you have a birth certificate that was your Parents first mistake. See LINK for more information http://www.viewzone.com/collateralx.html
We have been sold into debt slavery since birth.

Getting a SSN# was your next HUGE mistake. Aee TITLE 42 section 666 Some say this is the mark of the beast as described in the Holy Bible. I do not know if this is true but what i do know is that by obtaining this SSN you become an EMPLOYEE of the CORPORATION called the United States of Amerika http://themarkofthebeast.com/42us666.shtml

YOUR REAL CERTIFICATE OF LIVE BIRTH IS SENT to the TREASURY DEPT since you are NOW the COLLATERAL for the National DEBT. the "birth certificate" your parents get is NOT your real CERTIFICATE OF LIVE BIRTH. You were stolen away from your parents AT BIRTH through collusion and deception.

When you apply for a Marriage license you are BEGGING the state to Join you and your wife into the Marriage CONTRACT. You are INVITING THEM into a 3 way CONTRACT. You could just USE YOUR BIBLE to record your MARRIAGE like they did 200 years ago thus removing any JURISDICTION from the STATE.

If you apply (beg) the state for a Drivers License you are ONCE AGAIN asking for permission and thus creating another CONTRACT.
See Link http://thelawdictionary.org/apply/

For more info you can go to youtube and look up

Robert Menard video Titled Bursting Bubbles of Govt Deception

Jordan Maxwell

Just like the Israelites were enslaved until MOSES brought them out of EGYPT,
so now we are ONCE AGAIN back in BONDAGE.

The Truth of the matter is that we are NOW very QUICKLY approaching the final stages of the New WORLD ORDER. This one world order. GLOBAL LAWS, GLOBAL COURTS and GLOBAL POLICE FORCE all orchestrated by our politicians from every nation who have sold us into bondage for their benefit.
These ELITE people worship LUCIFER and the FALSE PROPHET POPE is at the TOP of the PYRAMID.

See Link Does The Pope Own The World?

WORLD BANK and BANK OF INTERNATIONAL SETTLEMENTS the BANK OF ALL BANKS...RUN by the counterfiet religion called Catholicism.

SOON and I mean VERY VERY SOON you wills see a GLOBAL BANKING CRISIS and CHAOS will hit the streets EVERYWHERE. YOU will see VERY SOON the UN GLOBAL POLICE FORCE EVERYWHERE on this planet. We are nearing the END OF THE AGE. The age of Aquarius. http://www.redicecreations.com/specialreports/aquarianage.html

Pretty soon a NEW WORLD LEADER will appear on the WORLD STAGE and along with the Pope or as I like to call him the POOP these to DEMONIC PEOPLE will UNITE and CONTROL THE ENTIRE PLANET. all will be Microchipped see (obamacare)

ISLAM will continue to spread WORLDWIDE with the final goal of bringing Sharia LAW to EVERY NATION. You can see this is happening RIGHT NOW.
The Most Disturbing Video on the Islamic Invasion of Europe You'll Ever See

See Dorothy and the WIZARD OF OZ...This is much more than a kids fairytale...MUCH MORE..
Once Dorothy arrived in the LAND OF OZ she received all the BENEFITS this NEW WORLD had to give her.


If you have NEVER heard of the Georgia Guide stones I suggest that you very quickly go to youtube and learn AS MUCH AS YOU CAN AS FAST AS YOU CAN.

Last but not least for ANY of you MOCKERS and SCOFFERS the bible wrote about you too... CLEARLY the HOLY SPIRIT does not RESIDE inside you. You are BLIND and DEAF for you do NOT have the EYES TO SEE NOR THE EARS TO HEAR.


Hi! This post has a Flesch-Kincaid grade level of 7.8 and reading ease of 75%. This puts the writing level on par with Tom Clancy and F. Scott Fitzgerald.