What are the money in fact?

in #new7 years ago

Everybody talks about money, but too few of us manage to assimilate this concept. Evidence is the distribution of wealth among people. Figures are quoted so many times that I'm afraid I will not go out. 20% of people own 80% of the world's wealth.

One in five people really know what money means.

Shocking. Because the money is used by everyone. Many of us use this exchange tool of material value, but especially emotional, without knowing what flows through our hands.

Let's start from what I am not. Money, contrary to the general opinion, is not a hurricane. Or some pieces of metal.

1.Banks are a concept, a convention

A notion. An idea. Those who understand this are the owners of the biggest secret in the financial field.
Why? Because ideas have a very interesting property. They can be made of nothing. By the simple will of the human brain.

Four out of five people will say I'm abject. Everyone knows that no matter how much you think, you can not materialize pieces of paper issued by the National Bank or coins.

I do not pretend that. But you can create ideas, ingenious solutions to produce money. Because, no, one idea generates another. A business plan, a scientific theory that earns the Nobel Prize, a book that can be sold in millions of copies, all started from an idea, are collections of concepts.

2.Banks are a generator of emotions

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Take a stone in your hand. What do you feel?
Weight, cold. If you have not experienced anything traumatic in the life of the stones, this object may not inspire you.

Stretches the mine. Close your eyes and imagine that you get a stack of hundreds of dollars in your palm. What do you feel? An explosion of emotions is attacking you. As released from a prison, they flowed out of overflow.

Everyone feels different. Some security, because they will buy the house they want. Others are childlike, because they can get the gadget they've ever dreamed of. Others exalt, because they will have things that download adrenaline: a fast motorcycle, a montain bike, a paraglider.

Everyone feels another emotion.

  1. Money is a measure of value

It seems obvious. But this statement has its traps.
Money is a measure of material value at the time of the transaction. We are a measure of the emotional value we attribute to the objects or situation. High emotional value, increased value in money.
Money is not a measure of human value. Being just a concept, an idea, they can not be used to appreciate people. And yet, most of us (80% do not know what money means) judge people after reading money earns. Totally wrong.

Worse, 80% think they have a questionable value (at least in terms of the ability to make money) because they do not earn as much as 20%.

I do not even know how much she was wrong. Their financial situation is the result of how they think (money is concepts) not of their value as individuals.

4.Banks are a mirror
When a man receives a large sum of money, what he does with them is the measure of his soul. It may be selfish, prodigal, generous, fearful, panicky, regardless of the value received in the gift. Money puts it all out.

5.Banking is made of nothing

Although the above statement is a principle, it is the most important one governing the existence of money.

Contrary to the general opinion, you do not need money to make money.
Because it's a measure of value, when you create plus-value, you basically created money. All you have to do is find the people who will notice the value and who will give you money for it.

This is also true in business. To create a business, money is the last thing you need. With a good idea and a business plan, you can get money from the bank (harder), from a nonprofit association (if your business produces something vital for the community or for a disadvantaged section of the community) or from investors, so-called business angels, who will come with money in your business.

There is so much to say about money. The most important thing you need to remember is that the money you want to make and their number does not depend on where you were born, the conditions you live in, the country you are in, the color of your skin or religion. It depends only on your will to have them, the plan you are doing to get them and the transition to the plan. Just that.

These things are in your mind. And if you do not believe me, remember what Henry Ford said: "If you think you can or if you think you can not, you're right."
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