Diary of a mad mother... The house. Part 2

in #new9 years ago
It has been almost three years now since we started our journey of remodeling my boyfriend´s parents house. At the end of the year 2011 Jan´s dad has become seriously ill after he had a stroke. He was no longer able to walk, talk or even use a toilet. Jan´s mom tried her very best to take care of the love of her life, but the house and the huge garden was just too much for her. So by June 2013 she had decided to sell the house. This is when my dream of having my own house started to turn into reality...

       Jan´s parents took very good care of their house and the garden, it has always been nicely organized, clean and tidy but my dream house was just too different.  Even though I always wanted to live in the city and if possible a big cosmopolitan city, my first summer here I completely fell in love with the town, its people and the small town/ countryside lifestyle. I knew I was going to turn this old German cottage into modern dwelling with old time feel. 

     So we started. And we got really lucky, since Jan´s ex wife´s partner has a construction company we knew our house was in good hands...

And from this

we went to this

... and also this

     Since our house and the garden lies mostly on the wetland we used quite new technology (at least here at the end of the world) where plastic tunnels run approximately 1 m below our flooring  all over the whole width and the length of the house. 

     Now there is an air flowing under our house all the time and therefore the moisture does not get the chance to stay inside. (Well, I am sure our builder would explain it better for you, but this is briefly what it is for). 

     But do not worry. I won´t bother with technicalities and boring pictures. And for now I will try to keep all the writing to a minimum. 

    So please enjoy our first little tour....

When you walk into the house through the main door this is what you will see... 

It does not look like a cowshed that it used to be, does it?

And here is the downstairs bathroom

Once you leave the former cowshed you walk straight to the kitchen

To be continued...


I really like your kitchen! Waiting for the next part)