New series of illustrations! (Nocturnas)

in #new6 years ago (edited)

Hello again!

I still can not get used to posting here, but I'm trying, I've also been a bit lost with my illustrations because because I have not illustrated frequently for more than two years, because of confusions and insecurities about my style. BUT I've felt better lately and I have been fixing my problems a little, as a result I have started to draw a new series of experimental illustrations that are more in keeping with what I have wanted for a long time and I hope, as I go further, find what I really look for.


Aun no logro acostumbrarme a postear seguido por aquí pero lo estoy intentando, igualmente he estado un poco perdida con mis ilustraciones debido a que llevo más de dos años sin ilustrar seguido, por confusiones e inseguridades sobre mi estilo. PERO, me he sentido mejor últimamente y he ido arreglando mis problemas de a poco, como resultado he empezado a sacar una nueva serie de ilustraciones experimentales que van más acorde con lo que he querido desde hace un buen tiempo y que espero, conforme avance más, encontrar lo que realmente busco.

"Who I am? who are you?"

These are slightly darker illustrations with mixed media, collage, painting, embroidery, drawing. The women I represent are still my "nocturnal", women with insomnia, anxieties, insecurities, sadness and fear, unknown to themselves, who wake up at nightfall. The illustrations are distorted between two styles of their own, the common one that they have already seen in my previous publications and that of my scribbles, with which I seek to give a more bizarre or strange touch to work, usually through the traits of animals or demons.


Se tratan de ilustraciones un poco más oscuras con técnica mixta, collage, pintura, bordado, dibujo. Las mujeres que plasmo siguen siendo mis "nocturnas", mujeres con insomnio, ansiedades, inseguridades, tristezas y miedos, desconocidas para ellas mismas, que despiertan al caer la noche. Las ilustraciones se distorsionan entre dos estilos propios, el común que han visto ya en mis publicaciones anteriores y el de mis garabatos, con el que busco dar un toque más bizarro o raro al trabajo, normalmente a través de rasgos de animales o demonios.

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"You are a monster that does not sleep"

I seek then to capture the thoughts that have held me back for a long time and the knowledge I have also learned during this, it is not about capturing the happy or the beautiful, they are illustrations that do not seek to be optimistic, but rather to let off steam. Leave the background.


Busco entonces plasmar los pensamientos que me han varado durante un buen tiempo y conocimientos que he aprendido también durante este, no se trata de plasmar lo feliz ni lo bonito, son ilustraciones que no buscan ser optimistas, si no más bien un desahogo. Salir del fondo.

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"My shadow is of an animal"

I'll try to make more posts, thanks for reading and if you like what I do, you can follow me on my Instagram account @chrsia!
