They hate Us For Our Freedom

in #new6 years ago

Have You seen this Levi's Commercial?

Check It Out.

Marketing At It's Finest. Madasen. Avenue Ad Firms Wet Dream of the Perfect AMERICAN DEMOGRAPHIC.

Check it out, This is for Voting in the USA, right?

That's why we have-

the scene from some African Sowetto-
the scene with the full face burka lady
who is on that BUS?

Did you get the quick CLIP of the only shot of the whites in the ad- the quick clip of a young white KID- looking all "KNOW IT ALL & KNOW IT BETTER- than his OLD MAN FATHER in the Driver seat of the Pickup? You Just KNOW THAT KID AIN'T VOTING SAME AS HIS OLD MAN WHO IS "O-B-S-O-L-E-T-E." Hence the lone white kid is all on board with the Whole New World Order REMAKING of the American Demographic & the Old White Man & His Vote are Now OBSOLETE.

Watch This AD / Social Propaganda Programming

Here are the screen shots from this AD- about Voting in USA. DOES THIS LOOK LIKE USA TO YOU?


Muslim Burka


This Lady who just got up out of a MATTRESS on THE FLOOR to Pull her jeans on & the room is Sparse & Bare- notice the metal bed frame leaning against the wall in her Dingy room


Africans, one with a leg missing on a dirt road being picked up by a BUS


The lone whites in this pickup truck


ahhh- but notice the white kid white the look of contempt? on his face & the White man his dad- BLURRED OUT


Here they are like emotionless drones going into the voting station- a dark dismal scene?


WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS? This is MUSLIM Men & Women- Men & Women in SEPARATE Rows- going into vote. Shall we have SHARIA LAW in America Too?


Back to a scene from Africa, Cause as far as I know- this AIN'T AMERICA- NOT YET at any rate.


Black Mama with full on AFRO. The Little Black Girl there- THAT IS THEIR FUTURE IDEAL DEMO for USA. (Remember the world is overpopulated, get an abortion white bitch. Bust it's always good when "minorities pop out them babies.")


Back to the Token White Kid in USA Voting- Notice the young man from America's Heartland- has a Bull Nose Ring?


Back to the Burka Muslim. The New FACE of AMERICA.


Ends with the Black Mama & Her Afro Walking off with her Black baby


Notice something else about the whole commercial. All the scenes are Bleak, Bare, POOOOOOOR- POOR - POOR. Most of the commercial filmed with a DARK Overcast Black / grey / dismal / bleak background. BUT The BIG BIGGGGGGG But-

The Music is all Cheerful, pleasant, joyful. (would that be some sort of DISSONANCE there. A splitting of the Mind Perhaps. Get USED TO & ENJOY & LOOK FORWARD TOP THE JOYOUS BLEAK & AUSTERE POVERTY STRICKEN times ahead. But hey- it will be all fun & games, cause you know what- the Diversity Rainbow they just painted with the white Edged out- will be a PARADISE?

Yah- even if this commercial were shot with all white- I would still point out the bleak barren- austere settings- especially paired to that music.

America is not a country. It is a CORPORATION. This country was stolen from us a long time ago. And all those other Corporations- Nike, Levi, Amazon, Starbucks- all dictating whatever they can. Then of course we have GOOGLE. What is Google? Is Google the wanna be Corporate De Facto Government for the whole world? Or just one of the arms of the Inter-Related Corporations belonging to the Corporate Octopus- at the TOP of the World Control Grid?

We may disagree with how we got here & how to get out of this mess. You may think I'm a Racist & I may Think You're a cow-towing too much to the Shitskin Diversity Rainbow LIE.....

But anyone with eyes should be able to see there is SOMETHING not right with America, with world or with the state of Humanity today.


Hillary & Bill & Chelsea Clinton have their "CLINTON FOUNDATION". The Clinton Foundation has collected over $2 Billion in revenues since it formed. It is Nothing more or less than the Clinton's own personal slush fund.

Trump is a smart man & of course he is a MAN the People elected. Trump is the MAN to Make America Great Again. That's why Americans Elected him - to save their sorry asses from globo homo tranny socialist police state.

Being a MAN for THE PEOPLE to MAGA- Trump would NEVER Use the white house as Nothing more or less than a way to Further ENRICH Himself. After all he is already a Billionaire.

Trump is smart alright. That is why IVANKA, the Royal Princess does not have her own PERSONAL SLUSH FUND Named after her. No IVANKA does not have a Fund at all. She just 'INSPIRED A FUND.' And She- Ivanka just INSPIRED The Saudis & other Middle eastern Countries to DONATE a Few Hundred Million Dollars to it.

Screenshot_2018-11-07 Saudis And The UAE Will Donate $100 Million To A Fund Inspired By Ivanka Trump.png

Screenshot_2018-11-07 Ivanka Trump's We-Fi fund initiative could spark a $1 7 trillion market around the world.png

Screenshot_2018-11-07 World Bank Launches Women’s Fund Championed by Ivanka Trump .png

There is another BENEFIT to globo-homo- Shitskin Mud World that the Shit-O-Nomi Has been touting. For DECADES American WHITE WOMEN have been told the world is Overpopulated & The Environment is being ruined & SHE SHOULD FEEL GUILTY FOR HAVING KIDS. SHE SHOULD FEEL MORE GUILTY IF SHE HAS A LOT OF KIDS.

Here is the thing, white people have had less kids. Many have OPTED to HAVE no Kids at all. Know what this does? It makes Those White People who do not have kids- more inclined to let all this Destruction of America, Freedom & a decent Way of Life- HAPPEN. Not that they want it to happen- but life is a struggle for them after all & what can they do about it? Just better for them to go about their life & try to get by as best they can. I understand that & I get that & I do not Fault them for thinking that way.

I feel the SAME WAY- About MYSELF & My Life. If I did not have young kids in my family that I cared about- I could Very easily see myself in that same category of being. It is precisely because I do have babies in my family that I care about & I DO NOT WANT THEM to live in such a World or Country of Misery, Ruin, Perversion, Slavery- that I care.

In the aftermath of Hillary Clinton & The Democrats LOOSING the Last Presidential Election- Ask This-

Do you really think the democrats overplayed their hand? How could the ENTIRE Democratic Establishment be so OUT OF TOUCH with the PULSE of the American Populace?

  • CNN & The Media Constant Barrage about White Male Toxicity. Even Now Starting to Throw the white women under the bus too.

  • Don Lemon in CNN saying that America has a Terror Threat. The BIGGEST Terror Threat in America is Bar NONE- The White Man. (all the while the Negro - The House Negro Newscaster- script reader at CNN is a HOMO & Screwing a white man. Isn't Don Lemon married to a white man?)

  • The Migrant Caravan from Central America on the EVE of The Election- who organized & paid for that MASSIVE EFFORT?

  • The Kavanaugh Persecution based on the most ridiculous & flimsy of accusations with ZERO PROOF

  • The Media so much as Writing Editorials that WHITE WOMEN NEED to DIVORCE their White Husbands, if they support Kavanaugh or vote Republican

The list goes on & all right before this midterm election- the Democrats Doubled Down on their Insanity & ATTACK on all things White, Wholesome, America.

So May I ask, where the SHIT-Elites at the To-p of The Media & The Democrat/Socialist Part Really that out of touch with the current Psyche of the American Public?

Or where the Media & The Democrats Playing the ROLE they were ASSIGNED to play.

Perhaps instead of being herded into the Democrat Story line of "Socialist Globo Homo One World Slavery" we are being Herded into a " Fascist Slavery with the sun plot of Rainbow Diversity Nationalism." Marketed to us with the HOPIUM that Trump, will Save us all, unite us all & BRING BACK THOSE JOBS & AMERICAN WAY OF LIFE.

Don't count on it. I see i=us marching full steam ahead towards a TECHNOCRATIC- High Tech Future for the SHIT-ELITES with their Electronic Software CRYOPTO-CURRENCY, Every single THING on Planet EARTH 'TOKENIZED' and every aspect of life that can be- micro-0documented by some 'BLOCKCHAIN.: Are they not trying to roll out the Mass Microwaves of 5g Cell/ death towers everywhere. Coupled with the INTERNET-OF-THINGS. Where every refrigerator & coffee pot even is CONNECTED to the INTERNET & Reporting back things you do in side your house to some CORPORATE Controlled Blockchain/database? The fitbits you where tracking your every move? The cell phones tracking,your every move, recording all you say & remotely having the cell phone camera turned on to VIEW what you;re doing? They even have FOOLS who think they're hip buying & putting ALEXA & ECHO Amazon spying devices into their homes. Then you have the TOILETS of the Future- ALSO connected to the Internet Of Things- reporting back every time you defecate & analyzing your stool sample as well.- (PERHAPS they want to make sure in the NOT to Distant Future inside these HIGH TECH CITIES- that will be nothing more than Tightly Jammed Packed Sardine Cans- with Spy Devices EVERYWHERE- they want to make sure the Lucky High Tech Chosen Techno-cratic Upper Class Slaves will be taking their DAILY State Mandated SOMA Tranquilizers- to stamp out any Human Being who might have a SPARK of Freedom or Original Thought Run Thru them.)

Any jobs Trump brings back- that MANUFACTURING BASE? How much if it will be in the form of HIGH TECH ROBOT Factories? The Factories to the Cashiers at McDonalds to the Power Plant Workers to the McDonald's Burger Flippers- THEY ARE ALL BEING AUTOMATED & RUN BY ROBOTS!

There won't be many Jobs Coming Back. I think those with PROGRAMMING SKILLS, Internet Security Skills, and ACTUAL MECHANICS- Mechanics to keep the Automated factory Equipment & Robots running will the FEW JOBS that Exist in The FUTURE- AS- ENVISIONED by Our Shit Elite Overlord/Demons.

Perhaps the FUTURE we are Being Herded Into with this whole TRUMP & Nationalism & MAGA Marketing , is this one-

Where the Unholy Trinity of Fake/Corrupt religious Institutions, Billionaire Families & the Royal Aristocracy, Corporations & Governments Masquerading as corporations Rule over us Peasants & Serfs.

slave system1.jpeg

Do you know the difference between a peasant and a self? Do you know that a Serf was really a slave?

The Definition of a Serf-

an agricultural laborer bound under the feudal system to work on his lord's estate.It was a condition of debt bondage, which developed primarily during the High Middle Ages in Europe and lasted in some countries until the mid-19th century.

Got that- it lasted until the 1800’s.

So despite what you’ve been brainwashed to believe that whites were FREE & only Blacks were ever slaves. The Truth is white man- that your ancestors, your forefathers & their children were agricultural slaves. That form of White European slavery existed up into the 1800’s.

America is not just some country or a land of freedom. AMERICA is the IDEA & Principal of FREEDOM. That & That Alone is WHY AMERICA- The US of A - Has ALWAYS BEEN the Greatest Country in the world. Because we were built upon the Greatest Idea in the world- Freedom. that Freedom has been Very Short-lived indeed. The Declaration Of Independence was made in 1776. The American Revolution- A WAR AGAINST THE BRITISH MONARCHY SLAVE SYSTEM was fought by a FEW BRAVE & Pioneering Souls until 1783. The 1st Constitution of the United States was revolution war fought in - the Constitution signed & ratified in 1788.

The MOST FREE Country & Society on Planet Earth in Recorded History of All Humanity has been in existence for just since 1788. 1788 to 1888 to 1988 to the current year 2018. That is just 230 years.

You Have THE ENTIRE RECORDED HISTORY of HUMANITY as being one of non-stop HUMAN BONDAGE & SLAVERY. Then you have this SHORT LIVED WINDOW- A Beacon Of Freedom & Hope that has been in existence for just a few short years. America- 230 years. YOUNG. We are still but in our Infancy as a Nation.

And FROM DAY 1- the American People has had a Covert War Waged on us on all fronts. The air we breathe, the water we drink the food we eat are all poisoned. The TV movies music pop culture ALL put out by Monopolies of Giant Corporations are pushing a Nasty Crude way of being. To the point now where Pedophilia, Blatant non stop free sex & the Glorification of all thing nasty ugly slovenly & the Nigga Gangsta Homo Lifestyle are openly promoted. The Blacks on TV & Movies are HIP. The whites are represented by the likes of Honey BOO BOO & MAMA June.

The Schools are indoctrinating your kids into globo homo retard & stamping out any last bit of their ability to think, reason , use logic or be a full functioning adult.

The Medical Monopoly- makes LAWS Demanding that every single newborn baby be given VACCINES. You are further encouraged to continue getting these NEEDLES injected from Birth all the way to the grave. MEANWHILE Americans are sicker than ever. What is really in those Needles?

The WI-FI soup of Radiation everywhere- Radiating you nonstop. Just like walking around all day with your head & body inside a Microwave.

To the non-stop propaganda wars on your mind, your thoughts, your beliefs, your opinions.

By golly it sure is working, is it not? I mean just take a lot at all the insane people & people who are actually pushing for SOCIALISM-0 even though Socialism is nothing more than the last step before COMMUNISM- which I believe Communism has been proven over & over to be nothing more than Slavery & one to the greatest MASS KILLERS (OUT SIDE WAR) on Humans in all of History?

The list goes on & on.

Also I still stand by my previous post where I laid out the argument that MANY WHALES on Steemit where nothing but Sock Puppet Fake ACCOUNTS from The Creator's of Steemit & the DEEP STATE- Pushing forth on STEEMIT their SUBVERSION of America & The SLAVE SYSTEM. One of those acco8nts would be my non-stop flagger "Bloom." Whom @lucylin - has identified "Bloom" is really "@anarchyhasnogods"

Go. check out @Anarchyhas nogods. he posts nothing but Socialism. Says that Capitalism & America is DOG SHIT. He upvotes & Resteems- the most blatant filth and or BS insanity. Yet he has an account worth $14K in Steem? Plus check out some of those accounts he resteems or gets upvoted from- seems to me it's like 1 big cirlce jerk of FAKE Accounts - controlled mostly by SOME DEEP Pockets Promoting the Socialist Globo Homo Sex Pervert Tranny Pedophile AGENDA. So yes I think MUCH of STEEM is Controlled by The DEEP STATE/CORPORATE CONTROL GRID.

You Break America, you break Freedom & the lights of freedom will soon be extinguished in every part of the world.

THEY HATE US. They Hate us for Our Freedom.

That is why we the American people have had a war waged on us on so many fronts & we didn't even know it.

I rarely ask for upvotes. But this time I am asking, If you read this post & find it Relevant- UPVOTE


Hey There caladium,

Wow, those are some screenshots, and I was really disappointed that the video has been removed or banned in my location. which is in fact the USA. Like you love to point out, I am also a white female and I feel no shame or guilt in that.

You suggest this is a Levi Commercial. Yet, I wonder why it has been removed and where it ran? Did it run on TV? On what station(s) time slots or during what programming? I've never seen it, I have quite honestly never seen anything like it. Did you ever view it yourself? If not how did you come across it?

I agree, based on the screenshots and description it looks nothing like the USA at this time at least not any place I've been.

We also agree on a few other things: I also believe there is social engineering going on, I believe there is a huge medical crisis up and coming and the government has way too much control and influence on our medical choices especially when it comes to vaccinations, end of life choices and even abortion. I mean, to hold a consistent position across an issue is something I like to hold myself accountable to. Medical decision should be made between an individual, their family, a physician. These decisions should be private and others should refrain from trying to influence them. That puts the burden and freedom in the hands of those who are likely to be impacted. No matter how you view vaccinations I think they hold medical risks like any other medical procedure and even if they are/were effective (we don't know because there are NO studies on the current vaccinations or schedules) In any case I am of the opinion no free adult should insist on making such a choice for any other free adult. We do not owe society immunity (assuming vaccinations do work)
I don't know that I think your position seems a bit overboard, but that doesn't mean you are on to something.

Regarding Blacks (which I only bring up, because you mention them in the post) Most have been here for several generations and are as American and you and me. By the way, afros grow straight out of many of their heads with no effort, so that seems like a really odd bone to pick. What is your beef with that? They were born and bred here, and I have no sympathy for what happened several generations ago, if I am going to be be consistant on that front, I also have to afford them all of the same rights and priviledges that I hold as a human born in the USA. In addition, like many white people, they are also being brainwashed to resent us, they are every bit as much targeted in this social engineering as we are. They are being pitted against the whites, the cops, the Republicans, etc. They are being programmed it is reasonable to be mad about what happened to their Grandparents by my grandparents and to feel it is still impacting them. I on the other hand think it is a sad travisty that any of us, choice to consider it. We all live in the same Nation on the same programming and we should reject all of the inconsistent bullshit programmings.

Men vs. Women also I tend to agree. However, I see it differently... I think they just want us to fight with each other... THEY (hate that word) don't care what or how they can devide us as long as we fight with each other and don't notice what is going on with THEM.

Anyway, by resisting that in the manner you are choosing to address it, you are still in compliance, although I think it is cute, you have found an interesting twist that still plays into the same hands.

While I disagree and feel slightly offended by much of what you say, I do want I say, I find you articulate, intelligent, and very, very brave.

I support your right to discuss your ideas, and in no way does it help anyone if you are silenced.

Carry on. :)

Sincerely, @whatsup


p.s.- better yet if you disagree & can write a COHERENT LOGICAL case to counter my questions & viewpoint do so.

Okay, done.

LOL - what about someone who couldn't even write a coherent sentence but just likes censoring people?

And it's a good job you got the screenshots because youtub have already censored the video!

That is a shit kicking post @caladium - America aims to become a South African slum in that propaganda campaign and you are being censored worse than I've seen anyone getting censored on Steemit.

I keep trying to look at positive subjects more because this stuff all fully checks out and it will fuck with our heads, but once seen, it can't be unseen can it?

I'm not sure which of the three MEN in this photo is most terrifying!

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