Which Star Are You?

in #new7 years ago


On some days all you have to remind you how human you are is pain, frustration, betrayal, self contempt, etc. On other days you have joy, exciting adventures to look forward to, a road trip, maybe two; it just becomes worth it. Considering how dark and horrible the world is and how the ugly side of things presents its unpleasant face more, how can one have these ephemeral phases of calm more frequently? Where is this peace we seek? Is it attainable? Is it bought? At what price, if yes?

Dark skies are my obsession. They present me something sort of an atlas to see the world through. Such nights, I stare into the sky and liken it to this world. It is wide and appears endless and has quite the space to contain whatever star decides to shine. These stars I liken to us, people. We appear on this sky, shine, fade out, then give way to a morning which preceeds another night where other stars come to play.


But which stars can we be? Have we such ability to help how we shine? Those stars that shine the brightest are beautiful, they are the ones we easily point our kids to, and the ones we see better; would we all love to be those? It's also inevitable to have dim stars which fade out sooner. What is it like to be them?
How do we lead ourselves through a life of less misery and unfortunate events? How do we be the stars we actually want - and perhaps deserve- to be?

Photo credit (1): https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQJ-kcBJ2_L8H88lxfVs8FPPJBMq8G9eDCXhityRp66l-UqU5kn

Photo credit (2): https://www.google.com/search?q=question+mark&client=ucweb-b&channel=sb&prmd=ivn&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwi54vXfgazXAhXEwKQKHfwYB04Q_AUICigB&biw=320&bih=461#imgrc=Nfqu1N1SgtvFpM:&spf=1510042277295