Never give up if you want to completely change your life. If I can make it, anyone can.

in #never7 years ago (edited)

Hi, my name is Abigail and I want to tell you about my journey online, starting from scratch to making money.
It's my first blog post on here and still learning how Steemit works so bare with me.
I guess I've always had an interest in anything to do with marketing and the freedom that making money online brings.
Three years ago I hit rock bottom. I was working in the social care industry and was on a shift at the care home. The boss' sister was the supervisor and frankly I thought she was a bitch. She'd swan off for all her breaks anytime she liked, including hopping outside for a cigarette, but would literally talk down to the staff when they needed a break after a solid 5 hours manual non stop unpleasant work, in a hot environment, dealing with some awful situations. I found myself thinking, "what the hell am I doing here?"... it's at this point I decided that I absolutely had to make a leap into the unknown and completely change my life.
So I started looking online for something, not really knowing what I was looking for, but just something, anything, to get out of the situation I was in.
I started drop-shipping on Ebay; started getting sales daily but spent hours listing items etc. I felt like although this was not going to be life-changing money, it was a start.
In addition to this I started researching different programs out there, trying to weed out the legitimate ones from the scams. I have to say I did get scammed more than once. The first one was the infamous Zeek Rewards - the biggest ponzi ever online, so big that it made international news. Luckily I didn't put my life savings into it or remortgage a home like some people did.. but it did teach me a valuable lesson to be a lot more careful next time.
A year or so later I came across a revsharing program - these are popular but can go down anytime and frankly I got in too late, the month before it crashed. Harsh lesson learned there too.
After this, I figured I would look for a solid company with physical products and change things up. I found a company that had been going for six years and seemed like a good start. Myself and my son who are in business together worked it hard and managed to build a team of around 400 people between us in 3 months. We had no experience and basically got a crash-course in how to build a team and help others do the same. In that respect we definitely found success, but the money was not good considering we had so many in the team and the products were pricey for what they were.
We then hooked up with one of our best people in the team and put together our own system, initially designed to help build the product business on autopilot. In doing so we were able to grow a team of just over 300 in a couple months, so about the same sort of results.
The issue with this was that we set the prices too low so although we made money it was not really anywhere near worth the level of help we gave people, all the one-on-one calls and dedication helping others duplicate while learning how internet marketing works.
So we decided to go a different direction. We found a mentor which is when everything changed. As a result we put together our own 4 step plan that not only pays incredibly well but as been the key to our success. I can't say this journey has been easy; it hasn't.. it's been a long hard struggle, making tons of mistakes - many of them costly, it's been blood sweat and tears and many days we wanted to quit and just throw in the towel.. but I'm so glad we stuck it out and kept going even when things were hard.
I've had some of the hardest times while on this journey, but I've also learned so much and come out the other side stronger and financially free.
Whatever you're doing online, whether you're starting out or wondering if it's all worth it, just keep going no matter what.. it's those who quit that never make it.. Keep going and in all honesty if I can do it anyone can. I'm nothing special.
I hope this helps.
If you want to see our journey, you can find us on Youtube: Joseph Curtis & Abigail Ruth is the name of our channel.