Visualizing your practice plan

in #neuroscience6 years ago (edited)

I picked up a good book recently called "The Source", by Dr Tara Swart. It is about "Neuroscience" and how we can change how we think, open our minds and change the direction of our lives. I have been drawn to books on "Neuroscience" over the past few years and each one adds a little bit more to my understanding of the subject. The book that really got me started was Dr Norman Doidge's, "The Brain that Changes It's self". I have just started "The Source" and what i have read so far resonates in me. Dr Swart, talks about visualization techniques that athletes use in the practiscing of their various sports, I have been designing my own practice plans recently and have been visualizing the guitar fret board and the Piano keyboard. The amazing thing about neuroplasticity is that we can build up connections with our neurones and alter our brains. My interest in these books, has really got me into a new way of thinking. We can create our own unique plans and practice regimens and have a lot of fun doing it. I am always a work in progress and my attraction to books on learning and the brain only get more fascinating. When we are really interested in a subject, we just eat it up. Developing a practice plan can be a little boring compared to playing songs, but if we develop our own unique perspective and do some mental exercise like visualizing the keyboard of the piano or the fret board of the guitar, when we play the instrument we are more connected to it. We could imagine using colours in our minds eye, anything to make things stick a little bit better in our memories. I have some long flights coming up in the next few days, so i am going to dig into "The Source" by Dr Tara Swart. I am bit of a book junkie, but i use "You tube" and "Apps" on my phone to learn as well. If we thought of having our own personal "Apps" in our minds eye, how would we design them ? What would they look like ?