Three Hacks to Keep Your Network Secured

in #network5 years ago

With the industry flooded with devices, servers, and remote networks, companies are at the risk of exposing their organizational data to hackers and intruders. What's more intriguing is the interconnectivity between these networks that act as the entry point of the hackers. And this is why cybersecurity stands as an important topic of discussion among the top leaders today.

Though there isn't any fail-proof solution that would prevent cent-percent fallout of cyber breach. However, there are a few practices that would help mitigate the risk and strong-arm the business against potential attacks.

Without much ado, let's see the top 3 hacks that will help keep the organization secured.

Three Security Tips for a Secured Enterprise

1 - Have a strong password

Often we are so much riddled in the complicated technologies that we tend to overlook the small yet important ones. What this indicates is the need to have a strong and hack-proof password. There are certain strategies that help create a good password, one that is not easy to be guessed.

The standard policy states that a password must have a minimum of eight characters. Also, it should be a combination of small and upper case letters, numbers, and a special character. Though most of us do follow this we tend to make a mistake here. Keeping the password same for all portals. It is important to have separate passwords to secure the overall infrastructure. Also, regularly changing the password is important with respect to security terms.

2 - Adhere to Device Deployment Protocols

Every organization has policies and rules that define its infrastructure. Adhering to these is a must when installing devices or software. It is necessary that all deployments are made under the guidance of the IT department. This will help reduce the footprint of hackers making their way through services (though installed) that do fall under the IT policy.

3 - Regular Updates

Another important practice is to keep the entire infrastructure secured. This implies that every software, hardware, or firmware should be updated. Also, the ones that are no longer in use have to be removed so as to close security gaps and secure the overall ecosystem.

Importance of network security

Wondering whether your organization needs to adopt such practices?

According to a survey, every 39 seconds, a hacker intrudes into a system. Now, this is something that will convince you to fine-tune your industrial practices and have a security strategy devised.

Introducing SASE: The Robust Security Tool for Enterprises & Organizations

Where manual practices seem to be top-notch, they still leave room for improvement and this is where the importance of the SASE Security Model peeps in.

As a unified model, SASE integrates both security and network within the same head. This helps organizations to have a consolidated view of their enterprise and make better decisions. SASE is a cloud-based solution and eliminates the need for any additional hardware/software.

Teams across the organization can remotely connect and adopt measures to secure their end network. The model follows agile strategies to transform the way one embeds network security. Features offered by the platform include firewall as a service, cloud management, endpoint security, DNS security, and cloud sandboxing.

All these features are tailor-made to increase enterprise security while offering a holistic view of the system.


Network security is one thing that isn't going to die out anytime in the future. It is, in fact, a topic that would only gain traction. It is important to stay at par with the industry trends, modify business policies, and adapt to the changing times. Considering this, embracing the SASE model will help you stay ahead of others creating a difference.