The Netscouters Opportunities For The Club

in #netscouter7 years ago

Opportunities for the Club

We give the opportunity to amateur clubs to extend their annual budget by only focusing their efforts following with a more professional way their most important assets, their players.

With NETSCOUTERS platform they will get extraordinary results not only in term of finance but also will be able to follow players with a powerful tool that analyses player’s activities generates statistics and promotes the best to professional Clubs.

What opportunity could the club identify ?

They can manage a budget that allows them to cover costs

such as:

  • Transportation
  • Official equipment
  • Infrastructure maintenance
  • Supplies
  • Compensation coach expenses

How it Works For Club

Taking a look at the rewards table as described later in this

document, taking as example a club with 200 young players we can

make a quick calculation:

  1.  Platform’s subscription fees are 714 OUT (€50) per player.(Could be financed from Investors Netscouters fund that will allow no costs to use the platform for two years)
  2.  Club Platform Setup costs = 714 x 200 = 142.800 OUT (€9.996)
  3. Considering an average of 714 OUT (€50) per player per month since not all players generate the same fees (someone more someone less)
  • Up to 714 OUT per player per month = 714x200= 142.800 OUT (€9.996)
  • Up to 142.800 OUT per month in one year=142.800x12= up to 1.713.600 0UT (€119.280)

         4.  Club spend 142.800 OUT (€9.996) and earn 1.713.600 OUT(€119.952)

With this amount, Club can cover every kind of costs for all the duration of the season.

In case Club platform setup cost will be financed from Netscouters or Investors, the club or player will accept to return the 20% ofthe amount earned at the end of the two financed seasons.

In this case borrowed Tokens will be blocked for first year, clubs have to demonstrate a serious way to work following player. All other token earned will be available to use.

Opportunities for Single Players :

  • Single player can use the platform as a club can do.
  • He would have to promote himself and accept the community evaluation.
  • He would be able to earn money that could serve to support his career, or used within the community.
  • Players have to pay a year platform fees to get in and follow the evaluation process (same Club player following process) and start to earn money.

There are 2 options for single player:

  1.  Pay year fees and he will get all the money (OUT OutCoin) he earns.
  2.  Adhering to a platform financing plan, so in this case he has to give 20% of his yearly earned amount.

We also must not forget that Professional Clubs will have access to the platform to be able to see and analyze the statistics that the platform will automatically generate about its best players, so clubs will be able to present their best players to a Professional Team without intermediaries.

For more information please visit the link below:

Situs web:






Created by Husni Mubarok

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