Can you imagine about Mass Animal Sacrifice Festival

in #nepal8 years ago (edited)

These horrible pictures are from the Gadhimai Festival which takes place in #Nepal every year and thousands of (around 15000) animals including buffaloes, goats, chickens, pigeons, rabbits are slaughtered from the sake of sacrifice. There have been protest against this mass animal salughtering but despite all the protests the festival and the slaughtering of animals went on festival. Around 20,000 animals were slaughtered including the young ones of the animals.  



“The question is not, "Can they reason?" nor, "Can they talk?" but "Can they suffer?”


Horrible. What a waste..

yes , its Horrible

Ohh , so sad

yes its sad for here.

what's this !! :o

this is about destroying animal, Mass Animal Sacrifice Festival. not good at all isn't it