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RE: Daily Delegation - Day 33 (1,000 NeoXAg Delegation everyday)

in #neoxian6 years ago

resident NeoxAg delegation hog

It's taken much creative energy to earn this magnificent title.

I think the idea of voting accounts is fantastic and it would be a great opportunity for content creators and the curator account alike. It's a "gift that keeps on giving" as this beautiful symbiotic relationship can be ongoing for all eternity.

We're all going to the same moon and Neoxian is the spaceship to take us there. In three, two, one...


I can't compete with this guy, but if you add voting to the mix more people may try harder to beat @ironshield. Maybe a resteem will get some fresh eyes on the contest and possibly draw a new contender to take on the delegation contest champ.

The more the merrier - hop on board. We can all position ourselves for success during this quiet time before the next wave comes in. We are the next generation of whales and it's our job to do a better job.

Lift off!