How to claim your NeoGAS using the AntShares/Neo PC Wallet

in #neo8 years ago (edited)

In our last post we discussed how to update your desktop AntShares Wallet to the new Neo Wallet. The Neo version of the wallet is still in alpha testing but have its stable release as we approach August 8th and the official switch over to the NEO name.

In the video below we will show you how to claim any NeoGas you have accumulated using the AntShares or Neo PC wallet. Here are the general instructions:

1. Send your Neo shares to yourself
Neo doesn't automatically credit Gas into your account because this would spam the blockchain. Instead you must claim the NeoGas when you want it by transferring your Neo to yourself. This is a somewhat nerve racking task as it risks losing your Neo if you insert the wrong address. It is unclear if you need to transfer all of the Neo to yourself or just 1 Neo to claim your Gas. Whatever you do, don't send a fraction of a Neo because Neo is indivisible. Only send whole numbers of Neo.

2. Claim your Gas
This step is pretty simple. Essentially just click a button and the Neo is yours.

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do you know what the fee is for sending NEO from the wallet to the exchange? I tried sending 1 NEO and seems there was no fee which is weird.

My ANS is on bittrex; do you know if you can do this on an exchange?

You cannot collect Gas from exchange wallets. Currently you must transfer to a non-exchange wallet to collect Gas. Be sure to only transfer whole units of Neo to your wallet otherwise you will lose a fraction of Neo.

please sir do they give you neo gas for free am asking I really want to understand this

As long as you have NEO in your wallet, the gas is automatically generated. So yes, the gas does come 'free'.

What's the fee for transferring NEO from one of your addresses to another one of your addresses. For instance if i send 1 neo to myself without having any GAS will the transaction go through?

I think that should be free (I've not done but I believe I'm right).

the fee to move NEO From bittrex to the NEON Wallet was .1 Neo which I didn't understand; since bittrex won't send a 'fraction' of NEO Which I wish I would've known before I bought what I bought initially

I paided a fee of .025 NEO when transferring from My Bittrex account to my Windows wallet. Make sure that the net NEO after the fee is a whole number though!! i.e. 30.025NEO

I payed it too. Bittrex's fee is 0.025. So, If you want to transfer it, make sure you add 0.025 to your NEO balance to not lose coins.

If I send 2 NEO from a Binance account and pay in fees in BNB, will it send the full 2 NEO?

Do you need to leave the wallet open to gain gas? or can it be closed?

It can be closed. You could forget about it for a year, then claim the entire year's Gas at that point. As long as you hold NEO in the wallet, you are earning Gas.

Does the amount of neo you have in the wallet correlate with the amount of gas accumulated or does it accumulate the same for all?

The more NEO you have the more GAS you'll earn. I think if you had 1 NEO, it will take 22 years to collect 1 GAS, so if you had 2 NEO, that number will drop to 11 years and so on...

WOW! This is a valuable piece of info. Thank you. So can you claim any fractional gas past for decimals? Or just leave it and let it build.

@athoughtbytim You can claim GAS at any time. The only thing that affects the amount of GAS generated is how much NEO you have on your private wallet. If you want to simulate how much GAS your current NEO will give you go to

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very helpful, thank you

Do you need to stake your NEO?

The NEO Wallet is very slow for me, I am not sure it is even working. Has your ever acted slow or do I have some issue on my side?