Journeying through life is no easy task! Time and again, we have all experienced heartache, sorrow, desperation, hurt and loneliness. But by the time we're done with the troubles we face, we only end up becoming stronger, more independent individuals. We know better, we're wiser and when faced with similar despair, we know the pain will not last forever. The phrase "Every dark cloud has a silver lining" perfectly sheds light to this fact, that every storm we face in our lives is meant to help us grow into better individuals.
Through this storm, if you're lucky, you will have someone by your side; someone who knows when you're hurting, someone who knows how to make you smile when you're broken, someone to reassure you that it doesn't last forever and that things will get better. It may be your friend, your parent, your spouse, your sibling, or even your child, it doesn't necessarily have to be a lover. But, if you feel that there's no one to look out for you, then guess what... there's one person whose conviction about yourself is stronger than anyone else out there, and that's YOU!!! YOU know what you're going through and you CAN find your way out. It may be hard, but its not impossible. Telling yourself that it's not possible is just an excuse u give yourself which makes you believe that any amount of effort you put in will be worthless. That's not true. Negativity is an EXCUSE for the lazy! Let that sink in. If you don't like where you are, get on your feet and move. Make the change. You will see that things WILL be better. And if they're not, you still know you tried your best and that while everyone else is whining, you DID SOMETHING. Doing something about your situation is ALWAYS better than doing nothing and just whining about it. Remember that.


Wholesome thought. I love it.

"If you don't like where you are, get on your feet and move." Well said.