CROCHET Sunflower baby booties
For me knitting booties, it is an indescribable experience that connects me with the miracle of life.
Happy #needleWorkMonday. I hope you are well, having good times and enjoying what you like to do, involving all the senses and experiencing healthy benefits.
Today I want to share with you these sunflower booties for babies.

Thank you for dedicating a space of your time to read the post. If there are any questions, please ask in the comments section below.
Text and images: By @jicrochet
Those are adorable! Very nice knitting!
Good night. I do not understand. Why is it hidden?
Hermosa labor amiga..!! Saludos..!!
Hola @leticiapereira. Gracias por pasar y comentar.
These are adorable! They made me smile :D
Thanks. :)
Estàn hermosas, eres una artista.
:) :) :)
Hermosa idea @jicrochet !
Hola @crytocariad. Sip, disfruté mucho de hacerlos. Saludos.
Cute little boots. The flower on tip is a very nice idea.
Hi. Thanks for stopping by :)
Que lindos zapaticos
Que belleza!
Gracias pro pasar por acá. Saludos.