Needlework Monday Giveaway: Two Sets Of Crocheted Kitchen Potholders


My mom has been crocheting for as long as I can remember and these kitchen potholders are one of the items that are always in HUGE demand from her.

I have been reading, commenting and looking at MANY needlework Monday posts for a few weeks now and am in awe of how beautiful some of the items are. While I am not a talented person when it comes to needlework, crocheting, knitting or sewing, I wanted to be involved in this FABULOUS event.

Two Sets Of Kitchen Potholders Giveaway

While the above pictured potholders are mine, my mom visited last week and brought over a few extra sets she had in her spare bedroom. So... I wanted to have a giveaway for these two (pictured below).


Being entered into the contest is SUPER easy! Just comment, resteem, UPvote or any combination and you are automatically entered. As I said, super easy!

I will be doing a random draw next Tuesday after this post has paid out and announce the two winners!


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That's a really nice way to encourage participation @goldendawne - and thanks to your mum 🌺

I just want say those are very lovely needleworks. And they are so neatly made and colourful.

And, do extend my appreciation to your mum. She rocks.

What a fun idea, @goldendawne! I love the concept of a Needlework Monday giveaway! Oh, I am sure that you have SOME kind of needlework talent. LOL. If you read enough of these posts you will probably learn how to crochet. Happy #NeedleworkMonday!

Thank you! Yes,I may not be creative or have this talent but I so wanted to be involved with such talented people on steemit.

That is so sweet of you, you don't need to enter me but I wanted to say the watermelons are so fun! I am very new to sewing, knitting and crochet myself. But this community is so supportive. You might surprise yourself. There are lots of videos on youtube you can learn the stitches from, and there is definitely people here who can help you hone your skills.

You're more than welcome to be entered. I love to share with people.

That is so sweet, but I have added making fun fruit shaped ones to my #needleworkmonday project list!

Hi @goldendawne, you can see in my post @sucindi how beautiful knitwear we can make at home. I include my link posting and if you are willing and have more time I hope you can read my post.

Those watermelon potholders are quite simply the best and cutest potholders I've ever seen :)

I know!! Aren't they adorable! They have always been my favorite too!

How sweet of you to do a giveaway of your mother’s work representing the needlework community!!! I really appreciate you doing this I love the idea! Those potholders are darling. I also want to thank you for supporting us needle workers.

I have been asked several times if I could teach some beginning crochet to the community. I plan on doing this really soon so I invite you to tune in once I get those rolling! I know you have the crafty gift in your bones!!! 😄

Oh that would be a GREAT idea! You could do dtube videos with simple stitches, loops and knots!

Yes my mom has so many wonderful things. One year I worked at a camp for handicapped adults and for Christmas she crocheted every camper (there were about 70) scarves and a pair slippers to put under the main Christmas Tree in the dining hall for them to unwrap from you know who. The campers LOVED their gifts! Me and another gal in the office wrapped all the gifts and attached name tags. It was so much fun!

Thank you!! Yes I plan to use DTube when posting them. I just have to figure out how to post them right and not have to make two posts when doing the videos. I’m still very new to using it.

Wow that is so amazing! I’m all about giving away to those in need and making someone feel loved and special. By the sound of it I bet everyone that received a gift that year felt very special. It’s a wonderful feeling knowing you can bless someone by the work you do with your own hands. 😊

I just did dtube for the first time today- to try it out. Once I get better handle on it I will definitely use it more, especially with summer and gardening season upon us

Oh that’s good! The more you do it the easier it will get!! I think I will try a couple to get the hang of it! Thanks for the encouragement! 😉 I just checked out your post/video, good first run! 👍🏽

So when doing the video, did you link it to your post afterwards? I’m trying to figure out how NOT to make two posts. I want to do as you did and add the video link in my post.

No actually you do your post in the dtube screen/page then you can go right to your steemit page and the post is there. Any last minute edits can be done from the steemit page. You only do one post and it was SOOOO easy

Oh okay that makes sense! Thank you so much for clearing that up for me. I will do it that way then! 😃👌🏽

Looks like your mother has a niche crocheting! Can't say I know where to start with needle work at all!

Me either! She tried to teach me before but she's left handed and I'm right handed- it was a MESS!

Those are beautiful! My grandmother is a quilter and I have many of her quilts but my mom never touched any kind of needlework her whole life. I wished I could have learned from grandma.

My grandma made all the afghans for my children when they were born. She passed soon after my youngest was born in 1993, so they all have a beautiful keepsake.

Nice of you to host a giveaway of the potholders! They look really nice! I remember my Granny used to have some that were similar. I can't knit or crochet to save my life and I'm always so impressed by people who can! I love to quilt though. I guess it all evens out... ;)

I have no talent when it comes to this. But my mom has such a beautiful way of making so many things.
I told her I was giving some away and she said... If you want more, just let me know!
SHe's an awesome lady!