
It's BILLIONS of POINTS which determine a users ability to create STEEM, so they destroyed my account with their centralized power meaning steem is worthless, it's another centralized bullshit fiat scam only using the guise of crypto and it's worse than fiat in that 2 users CONTROL ALL OF IT, you are allowed to eat some crumbs they throw you until they take away your POINTS not your steem.

Look at my account, look for one of the last numbers it says - 500 BILLION + that is due to Dan hitting it for 100 BILLION a pop.

If he did that to you, how would you feel?

Would you say this is decentralized and has no censorship or would you be like me yelling SCAM and FRAUD.

Your points determines your ability to create STEEM, so they destroyed that only because they can when they want to censor someone for publicly saying what the fuck is going on here, this is a game controlled by only 2 players.


Be careful my friend the witnesses most of the are bots controlled by Ned and Dan and all the power accounts they control, it's 100% manipulated.

Get out now while you can, it's going to be vaporized soon, worth fractions of pennies then it gets delisted from every exchange, the game is over.

these are not steem points, is your reputation, and that has nothing to do with the ability to create Steem, you can not create them, it only lowers your visibility.

if you insult someone you can not expect this to not react..
