NDJT EPISODE TWO: Teasing You Left Right Front Back And Center.
At what age did you have your first kiss?
Hmmm i was in ss 2 and my girlfriend was on the sick bed, so i had to kiss her without her knowledge i was 16 years
What is the cheapest gift you have ever received?
I wouldn't say she bought it, but it was a flower used during her sis wedding that she gave me as a gift.
What is the most expensive gift you have ever received from a partner.
A blazer for my prom
Guys: Which would you rather go without? A comb or a wristwatch?
A comb, cause i don't have a hair on my head.
Qualities of your ideal man or woman?
Oh no i love black girls, a fair girl is a no for me
What would you do with one million naira.
Pay my tithe first, and go complete my father's house.
Would you love to get married to a virgin?
Hell No, after the experience i had with the last one, i wouldn't dare go there
Three names of girls and three guys who you think are virgins on steemit.
Male; @timmy-karis @shunguystin @damiyungmula
Female; @adeolly-angel @stephanie007 @sleuth
Construct a sentence with the following words: Bed, Prayer, God, Love, Bible, God, Suck, Sex.
Reading of the BIBLE and PRAYER to the GOD of LOVE before going to SUCK your spouse which would led to SEX on the BED and thank GOD.
What virtue do you think is your greatest?
Tolerance, Is the capacity to endure pain or hardship, indulgence or sympathy for beliefs or practices differing from or conflicting with one’s own.
One thing you learnt from NDJT EPISODE 1
It was awesome though i did not have the chance to participate in it.
Give your interpretation of the theme of NDJT EPISODE 2: TEASING YOU LEFT RIGHT FRONT BACK AND CENTER.
I will interpret it to all the time or everywhere.