NBA Talk :: Derrick Rose (DRose) to the Cleveland Cavaliers - 2017/2018 season?

in #nba8 years ago

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The one time Chicago Bulls MVP (2010/2011 season), DRose is on the move signing with Cleveland Cavaliers for a 1 year $2.1 million dollar contract.

It is kinda funny when you see his quote on his on personal webpage - -

“Being part of a roster and organization that shares that type of commitment and being able to play with the Cavaliers and compete for a championship is the only thing that matters for me. I am very happy to be in Cleveland and look forward to getting to work.”

I can't help but laugh at DRose decision. He gets to play with the most dominate athletic forward in today's NBA era. But he has been excellent and at times great, but he is a whiner and throws people (Coaches and teammate) along with his own city under the bus. He has no loyalty and can't accept his own failures during his press conferences when they do end up losing. This move is a one year trial and lets see what we can do type of season. And sadly, DRose was convinced to believe they can win a championship in that toxic team.

Well, this whole offseason has been a bit of a shocker and surprise than the recent years in the NBA. With the news of Kyrie Irving wanting to leave Cleveland is no surprise that the Cavs made this move. I think it it is smart on their part with a low risk and high reward. They are trying to bank LBJ can motivate DRose to play high level basketball. With LBJ thinking about opting out to leave the Cavs after next year.

There are a lot of uncertainty coming from the organization this offseason with the general manager - David Griffin - stepping down. Then the Lebron tweet supporting the Griffen. Next came the rumor of hiring the winning hard nose point guard analyst - Chauncey Billups - who turned down the often stating "It is not the right time". He knew the situation is toxic and wanted no part of it. He has a cush job just being a analyst for ESPN rather than father figure and crack the whip. Then the KIrving news broke.

Whatever happens next year with the Cavs, my personal prediction will be them being the 2nd seed in the Eastern Conference mainly because you can have a losing season to make it to the playoffs. With the LBJ, Drose, and KLove they still have a solid team with the offensive rebounder with Triston Thomson they will be good but not the best in the East.

1st seed - Boston - They just got deeper and more talented.
2nd seed - Cavs - LBJ, DRose, KLOVE and a decent B grade of a supporting cast
3rd seed - Wizards or Raptors - Both teams don't shoot the 3 ball well. Wiz if John Wall can develop a solid 3 they will take it. Raptors if DeMar DeRozan develops his 3 pt shot they will take it. Both have solid supporting cast.

Back to DRose... Dominate the first 3 years with Chi-town winning the MVP in '10-'11 season, then just never really regain his old self due to more injuries. The last few years with the Bulls his 2 torn meniscus, his lack of motivation pre-Madonna attitude, and his off the court rape case.....

He has fallen far from his MVP image and play. Derrick Rose was awesome during the '10-'11 season when he was the man. He was fearless in the lane and willed his team to victories along with the number 1 seed in the Eastern Conference. When you hear him talk, he conveys his thoughts like a dummy. In his early years, at least he was humble.. Now he acts he is deserving. It is what is sad about pro athletes today when they feel entitled to everything just because they made millions from their pro contract and endorsement deals. Sadly, DRose is another player who falls into that category.

He shown flashes when he was on the Knicks last year, but he plays with some fear now. It is great to see him not injured and getting to the rim. He will be LBJ's sidekick next year, and he has the playing style like Kyrie Irving but with more power dribbling. It will be interesting to see what is the Cavs season is like this season.

Height: 6' 3"
Pounds: 190 lbs
Experience: 8 years
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Seeing this make me sick, I'm from Chicago as a matter of fact I'm living in Engelwood . Derrick Rose spit on the city with move. Derrick Rose don't exist anymore. Does he think he going beat the Warriors, no he is not going make a difference. I hope Golden State win the next 6 championships. The NBA ain't shit no more. Where is the NFL?