Keep Trying

in #nazi6 years ago

I’ve tried and tried over the past year or so to nicely(as I can) share my frustrations with the social justice warriors(dimension B) and average ‘liberals’(sub dim B, not real freedom loving libertarians) and I hope to have at least dissuaded one or two people from putting all their eggs in the “resist”(in the end socialism) basket. I have subtly(not so much) begged them to consider other viewpoints that they may strengthen(or not) their arguments and resist the urge to emotionally react(further indoctrinate themselves) to every piece of clickbait “News”(anti trump is the agenda). I feel I have mostly failed, perhaps I used ridicule a bit too often and their sensitive amygdalas had to block it out, or perhaps they are stubbornly invested in their beliefs(i’m Very stubborn so I rule that out.). I know they’re not all stupid and this is the most frustrating part to figure out. Oh well I guess they don’t care at all what other people think as long as they think they’re saving the world, as they push authoritarianism and tyranny on their brothers and sisters. Once fully indoctrinated by corporate propaganda, the ability to think critically becomes crippled and self awareness is diminished to a shadowy imposter void of intuition. This is why i’m done being nice to slavery of the mind, although the invitation for discussion is still here. I think that’s the main difference between us is i’m still willing to consider I may be wrong about many things as I learn about topics. Social Justice Warriors are like the Nazi Youth groups, they think they’re right about everything so it must be enforced by the state to ensure equality supposedly.