Nature Photo Contest Week #8 - SIMPLE SUNDAY IS OPEN!
1. Upvote this post.
2. Share an original minimalist photograph of nature and a short description in a comment on this post, OR in a new post on your page with the first tags #naturephotocontest and #simplesunday.
The SBD on the winners announcement at payout will be divided between the winners as follows: First place: 40%, Second place: 25%, Third place: 15%, Two Honorable Mentions: 10% each.
Mountains Monday - #mountainsmonday
Trees Tuesday - #treestuesday
Water Wednesday - #waterwednesday
Textures Thursday - #texturesthursday
Flora and Fauna Friday - #floraandfaunafriday
Simple Sunday - #simplesunday
Art is everywhere ... These drops of water are frozen to a protruding stone.
Congrats on being a WINNER in Simple Sunday Week 8!
Thank you very much!
this is my wife's ornamental plant leaves, she loves plants and flowers, this photo I took in the morning, when my wife was watering her little garden, I took the photo with canon camera 1300d, thanks
A delightful sun floated along the horizon, saying goodbye, touching the light of a dry leaf, which was left alone on a branch. At that moment I saw the unique beauty of the leaf. It was awesome!
Congrats on being a WINNER in Simple Sunday Week 8!
Starless sky, moon alone walking thru the night... Light from the street guide him thru, to see the sky once more as new.
(I don't think that this is haiku, but I give it a try :D )
Picture was taken with smartphone.

This is my entry for this contest,
Congrats on being a WINNER in Simple Sunday Week 8!
This is my entry link, check it out guys
Here is my entry #simplesunday contest
I loved how delicate this tiny reed was. Against the white of the foggy background you could barely see it, even in the cold harsh weather it was still surviving and looking beautiful!
Nothing what I can write interesting about this picture.. just tomato...
Congrats on being a WINNER in Simple Sunday Week 8!

Photo taken in the first rays of the sun, which has not dried the fruit of the morning dew
Congrats on being a WINNER in Simple Sunday Week 8!