RE: A study of mesopelagic fish found that 73 % of them had plastic in their gut!
Thanks for the kind words and great comment, @k-a-s-i-a, and sorry for not replying sooner.
there is a huge problem of hunger and one may argue that it's much more significant
I don't see why we should not try to solve this problem, just because these are other (worse) problems. The thing is that these are also kind of interconnected; more plastic waste will lead to problems for certain fish populations, which will reduce the available fish, and in turn might even lead to more people starving. This is a big, global problem that we all need to address!
It's great to hear that you are trying to get people to do the right thing, but I share your experience of the people that won't really listen or care about it. It's perfectly normal to have cognitive dissonance with your own bad behavior, so I guess that is one of the things that could explain it, but we should not let this stop us from trying to educate people on the matter :)