Jambu Madu Deli (MDH)
In English :
Jambu madu deli hijau (MDH) or Water guava, history of this Jambu MDH according to Bpk. Sadikin (just info: Mr. Sadikin is an employee at a Chinese plantation planting Jambu MDH) Stabat farmer (Stabat is the capital of Langkat Regency of North Sumatra Province) he recalled that the first time MDD Jambu came to Indonesia was brought by an old Chinese woman Live in Deli Tua, He brings MDH from Taiwan.
Chinese descent planters get the entres from the old woman who later planted in Stabat since 2006 with tight security surrounded by a wall and guarded dogs so that not everyone can enter and no theft entres.
In order for entres not to come out from the location of the cultivation every pruning branches and twigs then the result of pruning directly burned plantation location, things like this run about 6 years.
The longer the rest of the pangkasan more and more, as the old saying goes unfortunate can not be denied, fortunately can not be achieved, no doubt in 2012 there is the rest of the combustion that has not been perfect so there is entres that can be saved Bpk. Sunardi extracted from the burning entres.
Then by Bpk. Sunardi entres are maintained and reproduced and registered to the relevant offices so as to obtain an official certificate from the government.
This certification makes Mr. Sunardi as the inventor of Jambu MDH.
But I myself have also heard from a friend of Jambu lovers, he told me that the guava MDH found Bpk. Sunardi from his own Jambu crosses, then after patented by the jambu-related office was named MADU DELI no-frills word "GREEN", because the type of plant or fruit should not be labeled color. I have a special interest to this water jambu, because it can only live in pots and the price is relatively high enough, suitable for business and have more potential , because it can only live in pots and the price is relatively high enough.Prices in Lhokseumawe around Rp 50.000 / Kg
its Being fruitful in my house
Jambu MDH which has a fruitful nature without knowing this season is suitable for planted and made tabulampot for personal or for the sideline business as an adder to enter.
MDH fruit has a sweet, crispy and more resistant to fruit fly pest compared to other Water guava. And rarely do we encounter any larvae inside the deli fruit although it has been hit by fruit fly attack
For seedlings cuttings dg 35rb price can be sold to 350rb sd 450rb at the age of 1 year after moved to pot 60 and bear fruit at that age.
If seedlings and good care, guava MDH will bear fruit at age 7 s.d 12 months since transferred to the pot of polybags. There is the uniqueness of this Jambu MDH is that if planted in the direct land of the tree will be very fertile development but the vegetative period will last longer so that the fruit will appear longer too.
In Indonesia:
Jambu MDH menurut Bp. Sadikin petani Stabat dan bekerja di perkebunan keturunan China tsb sbgm diceritakan langsung kpd ana bhw MDH pertama kali masuk ke Indonesia dibawa oleh seorang perempuan tua keturunan China yg tinggal di Deli Tua. Dia membawa MDH dari Taiwan. Pengebun keturunan China mendapatkan entres dari perempuan tua tersebut. Oleh pengusaha keturunan China tsb jambu MDH dikebunkan di Stabat sejak 2006 dg dikelilingi tembok dan dijaga anjing agar tdk semua orang mudah masuk dan tidak terjadi pencurian entres. Jk dari buahnya, kita tdk bisa memperbanyak secara generatif krn jambu ini tidak ada bijinya dan perbanyakan generatif juga memberikan turunan yg belum tentu sama dg induknya. Agar entres tdk keluar, setiap dilakukan pemangkasan tajuk, sampah bekas potongan tajuk langsung dibakar di kebun tsb dan ini bisa bertahan sampai sktr 6 tahun. Menurut Bp. Sadikin krn sampah bekas potongan tajuk yg semakin lama semakin banyak mk pembakarannya ada yg kurang sempurna shg sekitar tahun 2012 an ada entres yg bisa diselamatkan oleh Bp. Sunardi yg diambil dari tempat pembuangan entres yg sdh dibakar. Oleh Bp. Sunardi entres tsb dipelihara dan diperbanyak serta didaftarkan ke dinas terkait shg mendapatkan sertifikat resmi dari pemerintah. Pensertifikatan ini menjadikan Bp. Sunardi sbg penemu Jambu MDH, saya mempunyai ketertarikan tersendiri kepada jambu air ini, karena hanya bisa hidup dalam pot dan harganya relatif cukup tinggi, cocok untuk berbisnis dan memiliki potensi lebih didalamnya, Harga di Lhokseumawe sekitar Rp 50.000/Kg
Sudah mulai berbuah di rumah saya
Jambu MDH yg mempunyai sifat yg terus berbuah tanpa mengenal musim ini sangat cocok utk dikebunkan dan dibuat tabulampot utk pribadi atau utk sampingan usaha sebagai penambah pemasukkan.
Buah jambu MDH mempunyai sifat manis, renyah dan lebih tahan terhadap hama lalat buah dibandingkan dengan jambu air yang lain. Dan jarang sekali kita jumpai ada larva di dalam buah jambu deli tersebut meskipun telah terkena serangan lalat buah
Utk bibit hasil stek dg harga 35rb bisa dijual menjadi 350rb sd 450rb pada umur 1 tahun setelah dipindah ke pot 60 dan sudah berbuah pada usia tersebut.
Jk bibitnya dan perawatan bagus , jambu MDH akan berbuah saat usia 7 s.d 12 bulan sejak dipindah ke pot dari polybag. Ada keunikan dari Jambu MDH ini yaitu jika ditanam di tanah langsung pohonnya akan sangat subur perkembangannya tetapi masa vegetatifnya akan berlangsung lebih lama sehingga buahnya akan muncul lebih lama juga.
Source : https://marihatjambumadu.blogspot.co.id/2016/07/sejarah-jambu-madu-deli-hijau-mdh.html?m=1
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Nice post bro.. Thanks for sharing. Keep it up..
ok thanks bro
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Wow jambu madu. I like it man 😍
upvote your post my friend